Random Ranting: The Crap I DON'T Like ;)

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                                                                        January 28, 2013

I thought I'd do a Youtube inspired rant today. There are videos all over the site called "The Sh** I Don't Like" so this is kind of my version of it--Wattpad style ;) So here is some of the crap I don't like ;D

The "Puppy" Face:

Actually I do like it, but I don't. Confusing, I know. I think it's totally adorable if the person is cute or good-looking, but I find it annoying. It always works on me after a while, no matter what.

"Alyssa can you do this for me?"

ME: "NO."

-Puts on puppy face-

ME: It's not going to work, it's not going to... "FINE"

It's even worse if the person you like pulls this face on you. I'm not saying this has happened to me, but it would just be THAT much worse.

Slow Drivers:

Do they even know how to drive? I mean, I'm not old enough to drive yet, but I'm kind of like a backseat driver, haha. I absolutely hate it when we're stuck behind someone who is going like 5 km/h when it's a 50 km/h zone. I'm sitting there in the passenger seat practically screaming at the people to go FASTER. It's not that hard, people. Just press the gas pedal down more, gosh.

I Can't Stay Mad At Some People:

You know those people who no matter what they did to make you mad, you can't stay mad? Yeah, I know a few people who I can't stay mad at. It's especially difficult if they start texting me or whatever, then I just kind of get over it. It's like one minute I'm PO'ed at the person, they text me and I'm like 'Okay, I'm good now!'.

When People Ask If I'm Mad At Them:

Do I have both headphones in and you're trying to talk to me? If so, I won't be listening. It doesn't mean I'm mad, it just means 'don't bother me, I'm listening to music' haha. But seriously, people who constantly ask me whether I'm mad at them (happens mainly over text) I'm like "NO, I'm not mad at you. You haven't given me a reason to be yet". Then they're like "Oh, you usually use a lot of emoticons but you're hardly using any right now".

So? Maybe I don't want to use them right now. I should be able to get my point across without a ';)' face to let you know I'm teasing/joking around/flirting/whatever. Do I have to spell it out? I-A-M-N-O-T-M-A-D-A-T-Y-O-U, do you understand ENGLISH?

People Who Don't Like The Music I Show Them:

I go out of my way to show you this awesome song and all you do is wrinkle your face in disgust. Like honestly, it says a lot if I like it. The least you can do is pretend you like it.

People Who Lead You On:

I'll admit, I have lead people on. But my kindness is mistaken for flirting. I'm not talking about the flirting though, I'm talking about the full on I like you, too. Then the next day you see them making out with some chick at school. This hasn't happened to me (yet), I just cannot stand it.

People Who Call Your House Constantly:

I don't really care if it's a close friend or a family member. But if you're not, then call once and STOP! Oh my gosh, I hate it when the same guy calls your house like 5 times in a row, almost every week of the summer. CAN YOU NOT TAKE A HINT? This has happened to me; it would've been better if the guy was actually good-looking and not annoying. I'm not one of those people who cares souly about looks and that's it; but it's nice to have someone who is at least 'cute', right?

Anyway, this guy was SO ANNOYING. Like, you don't even know. He kept calling and calling and calling and calling. He couldn't take hints that I don't like him and that I don't want to go out with him. He texts a friend of mine to ask me out for him, when she asked me one morning I was like 'HELL NO'. I legit said that, haha I'm so mean :') That's not all though. Even though I rejected him, he started calling quite frequently in the summer. Thankfully he's never gone to my school nor does he live close to me.

He called almost every day and it got to the point where I had to be forced to talk to him on the phone. Every time I saw his number on caller ID I was like --insert f-word here- off. I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!! But of course, my parents make me answer.

Him: "Are you busy on --insert day of the week here--"

Me: "I'm busy every day. I have guitar on Mondays, soccer and Tuesdays and Thursdays and I babysit every day."

HINT #1! I'm lying, though I did have soccer on those days and I babysat almost every day..

Him: "Oh, okay."

-I hang up-


He calls again. I'm furious and fed up with hm at this point.

Him: "I didn't exactly get the point across last time. I have movie tickets and I wanted to know if you want to go with me?"

Me: -Takes Deep breath- "I'm busy and I DON'T REALLY WANT TO!"

I'll admit, me being mean after my parents strictly told me not to, made me and my brother laugh. But it did the trick, the guy hasn't called since except for when he 'accidentally' butt dialed my house several times in various occasions.

The conversation(s) I added are exactly word for word. I still remember that day because I was so damn angry at him for calling. I couldn't stand it anymore. The first few times I'd say sorry at the end, but the last time I was basically saying LEAVE. ME. ALONE.

And so I don't give my number to any guy unless they're a close friend (even then really) or if I have a crush on the guy and he asks for it (which hasn't happened yet...).

So, that my friends, is some of the crap I DON'T like ;) I hope this was enjoyable for you and that you found my last rant about the phone calling funny. You'll probably think I'm really mean, but honestly I was SO done with this guy calling. Some times you have to be harsh in order to get the point across. Some guys are so oblivious ;D

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