Hmm...I thought this was ART class!

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                                                                 November 28, 2012

Today was, well interesting. We were having this 'movember' money raising competition between home rooms of the entire school. Needless to say, my group lost because the teacher wasn't allowed to submit her money a day late (she said she'd double all our donations). So we were going to have to wear fake mustaches tomorrow, but since we're going on a field trip...JOKES ON THEM! :D

But we made mustaches anyway and wore them for like 5 minutes today to show the principal. So during art our teacher Mrs. L is wearing this stupid mustache that hangs down almost to her bust and she braided it. She attempted to get us to meditate for drawing the outline of an object (can't figure out/remember the technical name). It didn't work, basically most of the class (Trev, I'm looking at you) were acting up. So, obviously a bunch of us were laughing. People were taking pictures of the teacher with their phones/ipods (she had her eyes closed the whole time!) and just acting silly. It was really funny (:

So...yeah, sorry I haven't been updating lately. Nothing really exciting happens. Our semi-formal dance is on December 14, I'm excited! :D

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