Toronto Zoo!!

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                                                                         May 24, 2013

Today practically my whole school went to the zoo. It was SO MUCH FUN.

I pretty much dared myself to tell cute guys that I thought they were cute and Klaryssa made sure I did so xD Which I did. I told these two boys (we named them Kyle and Josh) that I thought they were cute. My words exactly: "EXCUSE ME...I think you guys are cute". They ignored me, but later we caught them following us so...I guess something worked. Then this guy accidentally over heard me saying that he was cute *embarrassed face* but actually acknowledged it by looking over and smiling at me (which I did not see, but Klaryssa provided me this detail).

My group was my friends Jordan, Klaryssa and Mackenzie (he's a guy btw). It was actually a lot of fun, as mentioned above. We just looked around at the animals and yeah...not sure what else to say :P

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