The Day Before

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It's the day before school, the day that I hope passes slowly, but that's not going to happen. Today is room clean up day, relaxation day and get-ready-for-highschool-tomorrow day. I have to make sure everything is how I want it to be and that I'm ready for...highschool. Now that it's almost here I'm kind of worried about how everything will go. I don't exactly know some of the highschool-ers on my bus so I'm kind of freaking out about that. What do I say to them? Do I just ignore them? Where do I sit? The very back or two seats up from the back? I have no friends on my bus whatsoever. They're all going to the 'bigger' highschool. So I'm facing the bus blues all by myself, no one to really talk to. 

Another thing is...I don't know how any of my classes are going to go. I have PE (phys-ed/gym) first period for like, 75 minutes. I despise PE, but this will probably be fun. We just play games and from what I see they don't stick to volley ball for weeks on end. Though I'm kind of liking volleyball now...I'm changing ;) Geography is next, I'm not the best at it. But there is more 1 on 1 time with the teachers, so maybe I won't be a baby this year and ask for help (my teacher last year was very, very scary. I cried when I got her [haha] ). I don't know how I will get along with the teachers, I try to be polite to all of them...but sometimes I can act up (if I'm with a group of people who are doing it too).

At least one of my best friends is going to be with me throughout all of this. In fact, we're going for pizza tomorrow! I guess I'm just freaking out about going to a new school this year. I spent ten years of my life at the public school and to be whisked away from it...ahh! I'm so familiar with the public school's teachers and the layouts of the building. Now I'm going somewhere else  where it is all new.

Also, my highschool might close down next year (knock on wood) and if I'm going to be so familiar with that school...I'll find it hard to transition to yet another highschool. 

*  *  *

Tonight I must choose my clothes for tomorrow, have a long shower (potentially a bath to calm me down) and try to rest up. 

 Have a great day! :)

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