"Partying" -.-'

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                                                                                 December 16, 2012

Only 9 more days until Christmas, anyone else excited? :)

Last night, I went to a party with my Mom and brother. It was actually boring & quite entertaining all at the same time. Boring because, well...I'm in a room with a bunch of drinking adults & one teenager, who is older than me. Entertaining...? These adults swear like truckers! :D Plus, they are so entertaining to be around.

So, around 9:30 pm, my brother & the teenager go to our place next door, to play a card game. We played two rounds of "Cheat" or as I call it "Bullshit". Same thing. The teenager (we'll call him B) shut the door because quite frankly, we were all tired of listening to the bickering about who stole who's lighter and if so and so are Native. Then 'B's mom knocks on the door, so I reach over and answer it.

"What are you guys doing?" She asks.

Obviously assuming we were probably making out or something...which would never happen.

I reply. "Playing cards."

After two rounds we get bored and go back to the 'party' for an hour.


Now it's the morning after. Apparently 'B's mom said to my mom "Wouldn't it be great if Alyssa and 'B' date?".

My answer? NO. NONONONONONONO. But karma will probably bite me in the butt & make me like him. But right now, that's not even an option. Sure, I'm sort of taking back my impression of him. He's a lot nicer than I initially thought...but I don't like him romantically in any way. But it's nice to know that his Mom likes me :) She's a pretty amazing woman herself, I quite like her too.

So yeah....Me & 'B'? Never.Going.To.Happen.

Toodles! :*

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