March Break Part 1! c:

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                                                                         March 11, 2013

20 days until I'm 15 & 117 days until Warped Tour :o

So far March Break has been boring. I was at my Mom's & then my grandparents' on the weekend though. We watched a stupid movie called It's Cheerful Weather For The Wedding. Seriously, don't watch it. My step-grandpa picks out the weirdest movies ever. The best one he's got is the newest Ice Age, which was pretty good c:

Then we went to the mall on Sunday. I got two shirts that I wuv from Stitches :3 I wanted to get these two super cute belly rings (dolphin & polka dotted bow) but I wasn't allowed with my birthday coming up :c I guess it makes sense though :P

Then I got my banana Italian soda from my Mommy's work <3 Seriously, these things are my life. I've always wanted to try the banana one, so I did two weeks ago & fell in love! I never drink Italian sodas fast, but man I can down these things all day <3

So then I had to go to the grocery store. I like to watch the cashiers intently; like seriously how do they remember codes for fruit?! o.o I also like the little scanner thingy. Yes, I'm a weird child c: So we're walking out and my Mom's like "that guy was checking you out" and I'm all like "I know."

Like he wasn't even attractive D: I was watching him do it to, it was pretty funny. I just stood there making this face while he was checking us out. It was really weird and gross, I'm like half his age  >.<

 THE BACHELOR'S ON TONIGHT :D A WHOLE WHOPPING TWO HOURS (I think) OF SEEING THE BEAUTIFUL SEAN LOWE<333 IT'S THE FINALE THOUGH, I'M SO SAD :'(  This is the first time in history that I like both of the last two people. It will be such a difficult decision. If he had kept Desiree around, it would've been easier but her stupid brother ruined everything D: I almost cried when he kicked her off, I was SO mad.

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