March Break Part 2

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                                                                         March 17, 2013

*Sigh* I'm exhausted D: 

Anywho, so March break was...interesting, I guess. I spent the other half at my cottage with no wifi :( But I survived until we got to Tim Horton's :D We went snowmobiling every day and let me tell you, I'm not going to miss it! ;) I finally got used to the trail we take, so we weren't as tippy. But my Pa (grandpa) and I did tip on the tiniest of snow drifts ;) It was slow motion too, like before. I just lay there in the snow, helped my Pa push the snowmobile back up and declared I was walking the rest of the way. Which by the way, was about 20 feet. We tipped right outside my cottage -.-

My Dad and brother legit fell off the snowmobile. The parked it just after the snow bank and fell. Like how the heck do you manage that?! 

Ooh I went sledding! :D I almost died -.- There's this road that leads to the gravel pit, which is down below the dam. Which the dam is located on The Dam Road ;D I laughed when I realized that. Anyway, I was speeding down the road and elbowed my Aunt. That was fun :D I almost ended up in the river tho  :o 

Today was kinda interesting. My friend Emma found me on snapchat :o I don't know how, but we're snapchatting now :D The pictures we send each other make me smile :) 

Target's opening on Tuesday and I'm going on the weekend<33333 I'm excited. Heehee :3

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