First Day!

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                                                                                                                                 Tuesday, September 4/2012

Today was my first day of highschool, crazy right? I woke at 6 am and it took me 40 minutes to get ready (you know I'm a girl when...haha). Then I had breakfast and went off to the bus stop. I was only down there until 7:22 (about 5 minutes or less) when the bus came. I was ecstatic that I had yet another new bus driver. I was super nervous about mainly the bus ride, not knowing where to sit and if I will be kicked out. I sat in the very back, which is exciting for me (haha). Later I found that my best friend is on my bus! New bus, new driver, new route, woo!! Needless to say, the bus ride was completely awesome.

We arrive at school, urging the bus driver to drop us highschool-ers off first. We are whisked away into the lunch portable to get our time tables and an assembly. Then we have first period (phys-ed, only we didn't do phy-ed), second period (geography) and then first period again and lunch. My friend and I walked all the way to the pizza parlour but the power was out, of course. So we crossed the street and got pop and split a bag of nachos (which is in my locker). 

Third period, Art. We drew stick men and looked at books that had nude paintings in them and played Google Fight. It was uneventful, so to say. Science, fourth period. The teacher gives us homework on the first day. 

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I also met one new person today, who is in grade 10. I'm not going to say his name, but he was quite nice. We also met him on the street when we went to get lunch and he said 'good morning' to my friend and I. We said it back and started laughing, not out of mean-ness, mind you. I don't even know why we laughed...just because I went to nursery/pre-school with him...or was it the general awkwardness? 

All in all, I think I will enjoy highschool as it seemed pretty fun today. We've got our phys-ed scheduale (all the activities we're gonna do) and the only thing I'm worried about is ringette...I can't skate worth crap. Haha! (:

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