Chapter 11: Doesnt count?

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Her hand left his hair and crept down to the back of his neck and when I saw that I saw ran away like an idiot. I took the long way to the dining hall so he wouldn't see me. I ran away with tears filling my eyes. I wiped them away with Adams hoodie from the other night which I still had on. Which only made me cry harder.

I got to the dining hall and half smiled at Connie and Julie.

"Hey Liv! Come sit here!" Connie shouts as she makes a spot for me.
"Um Liv? Isn't that Banks hoodie?" Julie says eying up my outfit
"Maybe" I quietly say
"Omg. He gave you his HOODIE!????" Connie practically screams but thank goodness for the loud dining hall. She and Julie start to squeal.
"I might give it back anyways though."  I say sitting down and looking at my nails.
"Huh? What happened?! Spill" Julie says
"I'll tell to EVERYTHING tonight in the dorm okay?" I say to both of them
"Ugh fine I guess we can wait." Connie says impatiently.
"Okay good"  I nod and eat my food.
I see Adam come in the dining hall and smiles at me because I'm wearing his hoodie.
"Nice hoodie Lib." He smirks
"Thanks" I say quietly so he won't hear my upset tone.
He sits down beside me and winks. I don't know what to do considering what I saw before. I mean it doesn't really matter right we're not even dating.
The lunch bell rings and me and Adam walk to history and I'm nervous for some reason so I play with wet sleeve that
still had my tears on. I stare at the sleeve trying to not cry again. Adam tucks a peice of hair that fell out of my french braids behind my ears and asks "Hey is everything alright?" "Yeah." I lie.
History went slow and maybe because Adam kept looking over at me to see if I was okay. I wasn't. But he couldn't know that.
After school, like I promised the girls I would tell them everything that has happened today or lately.

"Okay so erm. A few months ago me and Adam stayed on for a little bit after practice and were joking around, laughing and I don't know flirting, maybe. Then he accidentally tripped me and I dragged him down with me when I fell and I landed on top of him. We laid there for a while staring at each other then he told me he liked me. and I dunno I think I said I l liked him back and then I pulled him by his jersey and kissed him. fast forward a couple months later none of us wanted to make the move yet so I asked him to go to Mickey's with me for milkshakes, and we did we got one milkshake with two straws and obviously shared. Then he walked me back home and talked about hockey." I begin.
"Omg, Guy was telling me about how Adam just could not stop talking about his date the night before! But I didn't know it was you! Guy said that Adam told him all about it from sharing a milkshake to HOLDING HANDS! Walking back home talking about his hockey career. Oh right and GIVING HIS DATE HIS HOODIE!!!!!" Connie cuts in. Julie squeals.

"Yeah I asked about his hockey career and held his hand while walking back. He put his arm around me because I was really cold even after the hoodie. But also I rollerbladed to practice this morning and may have cracked a few ribs when I fell on a metal bench." I show the bruise and they are worried and shocked. "Then today at practice this morning we were getting undressed and we were last out. He waited for me. Then he told me he had fun the night before and I told him I had fun too. then he saw the bruise and got a little worried about me. I told him not to worry and he kissed me. Then the best thing could've happened (sacrcasticaly)" "What????!" the girls screached. " Charlie walks in!" I fall into my bed staring at the ceiling "No! While you guys where kissing?!" Julie says "Yep. My brother walked in on me kissing his best friend" I yell "Omg! How did Charlie react?!" Connie asks. "Oh he didn't take it very well. *I shake my head* He then told me that Adam was just using me and didn't care about me but... Then Adam told me he loves me. Charlie obviously didn't take it that well and told him he was full of shit. I told him I loved him back." I start to cry now. "And then (voice begins to break.) Maybe Charlie was right because later today before lunch I saw him talking and flirting with another girl. She was laughing at him and touching his hair, his neck, his shoulder, and his arms." I start to bawl. both of them stand up and hug me. "I feel like I'm gonna be sick right now." I complained. "Look Liv. I'm going to tell coach that your not coming to practice tonight so get some rest and we'll come say hi to you later okay?" Connie says. "Okay come by and say hi and bring everyone too" I say back. "okay love you." Julie says as they leave.
I fall asleep watching the notebook after crying for god knows how long. And I hear a soft knock on the door. It's was Connie.

"Heyy. I brought some of the guys up to come see you." Connie says to cheer me up "Thanks Con. Hey guys I've missed ya" I say. I look around and don't see Adam or Charlie anywhere. "Where's everyone else?" I ask. Connie sighs "Alright Liv, We've got good news and bad news which first?" Guy asks me "I don't know good news?" I say looking at them. Connie looks at the guys "There's no good news I just didn't want to sound so negative" Luis says to me.

"Okay so the bad news then?" I say back to him. "After practice the guys were going to get Adam to come here to see you and when we got in the dressing room we saw Adam. Kissing that girl you saw earlier today." Connie says upset and hugs me.  My heart stops. I frown

I don't know how to react to this. I slowly takeoff Adams hoodie and threw it across the room into the trash can with tears in my eyes I bury my face in my hands and cry like a little baby. I loved him. And I thought he loved me too. I guess things change. Although I still didn't understand why Charlie wasn't here he would be the one by my side if this ever happened and now it has he's not here.
"Connie?" I say sobbing "Yeah Liv what's up?What do you need baby?" she rubs my back and side hugs me. "Where is Charlie?" I look up with my blurry eyes to see Connie look at guy who gives her a nod. "Charlie got suspended for the week." Connie explains to me. "What? Why?!" I cry out. "He go suspended for getting into a fight. With Adam." I gasp she continues

"You see when we got in the room and we saw them kissing. Charlie didn't hesitate to lunge at Adam and punch him. Adam tried to fight back and we heard something charlie said to Adam like 'You were supposed to be my best friend! So what you tell my sister you love her then go kiss another girl?!!' and he stuck up for you. He snapped and got suspended for you. Now that's the best thing a brother could do for you." Connie says to me rubbing my back.

After Connie said that I felt pretty bad about what I had gotten Charlie into. I mean we weren't even together so did he really cheat?? Doesn't count? Right

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