Soobin made new friends

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Soobin's POV

"Hey, guys, Soobin here! Am I in the right place?"

"Hey, guys, Soobin here! Am I in the right place?"

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"Yup you're right here! I am Felix btw :D"

"Yup you're right here! I am Felix btw :D"

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"I'm Mina :3"

"And I am Yoohyeon^^"

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"And I am Yoohyeon^^"

"Nice to meet you! Y/N talked a lot about you, it's cool finally talking with you^-^"

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"Nice to meet you! Y/N talked a lot about you, it's cool finally talking with you^-^"

"I hope she only said good things! Btw just join the vc we're in"



"Hi" They said in unison, I never had friends that I could play games with. It's super cool of Y/N that she introduced me to them.

"Have you play the game before, Soobin?"

"I have played it a little bit, but alone. So I am excited to play it with others."

"And I am excited to shit my pants, cause this game already does a great job in scaring me multiple times before."

"Hahaha, yeah that's funny!"

"Is it that scary??"

"There are some moments in the caves where cannibals attack you out of the darkness, I mean it's a survival horror game, so that's something you have to expect. But you get used to when you're not Yoohyeon."


I already know I will love them :D

"So, how is it like being Y/N's real-life friend?"

"I don't think it's any different with being just online friends with her. I guess the bonus is the physical affection. She may don't admit it, but she loves hugging people and showing them love through cuddles, holding hands, and that kind of stuff. I'm glad we got the chance to get to know each other."


"She is, I heard you guys come over soon?!"

"Yeah, we all will stay at the parent's house from Yoohyeon. It would be cool if you come over too!"

"Yeah and all the other friends like... eh what's his name? Ji- Jisung I think. He sounds like fun."

"Yeah, it's Jisung. Sounds great, I will ask Y/N and Yoohyeon later."


"I wonder if Y/N ever was in a relationship."

"As far as I know, she was in one a long time ago. But since then she never mentioned someone special. Tho I know there are some people that are interested in her. Why are you asking?."

"I was just wondering if she's single. But not cause I AM interested. BUT I think someone from our group is."

"Really? Who?"

"But it's just an assumption, I have no idea if that's the truth. I think Olivia aka. Hyejoo has a little crush on Y/N."

"Honestly, could be true. Haseul, Y/N's best friend.. I am sure you know her, mentioned how close Olivia is lately to Y/N and that she has that feeling too, just like you do."

"Oh-Oh, it's getting more and more interesting."

"You also said there are other people in your area that like her, are they friends?"

"The one I know for sure is Seola, she's in the same dance class as Y/N, and they're really good friends. It's really obvious that she has a crush on her. We had a sleepover last week and played some drinking games. One of them was Spin The Bottle. Well, the task was that Y/N had to kiss Seola, on the mouth. I feel like there was something between them, but I don't know to be honest."

"They kissed?!"

"It was a task tho."


We talked more about school, friends, and games. I think I just made new friends :D

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