let's start the party, okay?

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When Hyeju asked me to have some private time with her, I never expected this to happen. I maybe hoped this to become a date, but I never in a million years thought of a kiss.

But I am happy that it happened. Seeing her today, created so many happy feelings in me. I'm glad she feels the same.

We paid and left the restaurant.

"I got a text from Jungeun, here."

She showed me the chat and read it out loud.

"I hope you two love birds hurry up, some of us want to hang out with you

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"I hope you two love birds hurry up, some of us want to hang out with you. Tell me everything when you're back!!!"

"We're on our way."


"This won't be the last time we have private moments, so let's not let the others wait."

There's a small silence. We both meet each other's eyes then glance away, smiling.

We start our way back home, she hands me her hand. Of course, I take it. I can see her blushing, cute.


Back home, we greet the others.

"Y/N! I beat Mina at Mario Cart!"

"You beat Mina? The Champion, damn Mingi good job."

"How does it feel to lose to Mingi in one of your favorite games?"

"Yo, no need to shove it into my face over and over again. Later I will take my title back."

I move over to the group, Olivia's friends and her go somewhere private.

"Had fun?"

"Yes, a lot."

"I hope we get some time with you too tho."

"Of course you do."

"I hope dinner was good."

"Very good. Jiu is good at cooking."

"See Yeohyun, another reason to finally make it official."

Felix hit her with his elbow, making her groan and clearly embarrassed.

Jiu tho looks amused, they probably tease her the whole time already.

"So when's the real party starting?"

"Soobin teach your alcoholic ass to be patient."

"Hey! I'm not an alcoholic!"

"But we can start to prepare."

"I do the dishes."

"Lemme, look for all the games."

"I and Y/N will bring the drinks."

"The rest, well do anything."

Haseul and I look for all the drinks we need tonight.

"Wanna talk about what happened?"

"With me and Olivia?"

She nods.

"Well, it was a date."

"I hoped that."

"You did?"

"Everyone did."


"Yes, we all can see what is going on between you two."

"Really? That obvious."

"Yes kinda."

"Ok eh.. we kissed."


"Hehe, yeah."


"Aaah~ I'm so happy for you!"

She hugs me.. very tight, too tight honestly.

"ok ok, Haseul you act like I did something mindblowing."

"Hey, this is the first time we talk about love, I'm excited for you."

"I can see that."

"Before I annoy you too much, let's get these drinks."

By this time everyone is gathered in the living room and it seems like the party can begin.


Hey, it's me the author. I want to apologize for not updating in a long time. I was quite busy and felt really depressed. Also, I was having a writing block, I just couldn't continue with the book.

I know this is a very short chapter, I will try to do more.

Yesterday I had a lot of ideas, I even did a chapter for a new book lol.

Thank you for your patience btw <3

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