She's different

411 25 2

your own words are thick

"Y/N? You there"
"Yup I am here."
"Do you have time?"
"Just need to help my parents quickly and then I do, why?"
"I wanna see your face and talk to you."
"Okay^^ just wait 5 minutes."
"I will <3"


"Ready, hbu?"
"Ready :]"

I call her for a video call.

"So good to see you Y/N. You're as pretty as always."
"Stop Hyeju~ You make my heart flutter! You're very gorgeous yourself."
"Ready for my hugs in 4 days?"
"Ha, not sure if anyone can be ready for them. But I am looking forward to it."
"Have I ever told you how much I like your smile?"
"A couple of times, yes."
"Well, I just want to remind you as often as possible that everything about you is just awesome."
"Stoooop~ I can't handle your love!"
"Just wait till I can see you, I will shower you with all my love!"
"I hope so!"

"Hey Olivia, remember the time you wanted to tell me something, but you were too scared?"
"Eh, yeah."
"Why don't you tell me now, please."
I look at her with the best puppy eyes I could make.

"I don't know..."
"Why? What's so hard about it?"
"I just don't want to say something wrong."

This situation seems oddly familiar.

"Hey, I won't hate you or anything, promise."
"What If I tell you when we meet or show you. Whatever you prefer."
"Well, okay if that makes you feel better. I will wait."
"Thank you."

Sometimes I realize that I stop focusing on what she says, but just focus on her face. Her emotions, facial expressions, and general look just make me feel some type of way.

That's the difference with Seola, she's pretty and a lovely person. But I never lose myself in her, as I do in Olivia.

I think I need to tell her something too when we meet.


Not me really creating a fucking youtube channel and uploading videos  just so I can use them for my chapters.

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