Rias vs Sona! (Part 2)

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//Rivio's POV\\

We all watched as Saji continued to fight. His hands were broken now, and his face was a bruised bloody mess. However he wouldn't stop fighting. He had yelled out his dream of being a teacher for Sona's school and how they'd make it a reality; now with so many people seeing his resolve I can't hear a single one laughing.

"What a display of passion and his soul." I say into the mic, getting a nod from Grayfia. In his state it didn't take long for Issei to land the finishing blow. With one finale hit to the center of his face Saji he KO'd him- but even this wasn't enough to knock him down as he kept ahold of his arm with both hands. Saji, even in unconsciousness, refused to fall to the Red Dragon Emperor. "One of Sona Sitri's pawns, retired." I say, getting claps from the crowd and cheers of support to the man who refused to fall for his dream.

  The game would not stop however as Koenko patted Issei's back and they moved on after he got over his shock. They made there way to the central plaza where a shocking sight greeted them: Sona herself within a a barrier. She greeted him as everyone eventually gathered at the center, including Rias herself.

  "Sona, you are a  bold one." She says looking at her opponent. "To think you'd come right to the center like this."

  Sona smirks at this. "Rias, hello there. But aren't you, a King, also here now? Is it truly that strange for the King themselves to move?"

  Rias just sighs. "I guess not. Either way we've reached the end here; although it didn't go all as expected."

  I smirk and go into commentator mode again. "The two Kings have come face to face! Is this as Lady Rias says and is truly the end already!?" I yell out.

//3rd Person POV\\

  Everything was still for a moment until suddenly Issei starts to stager. Rias looks to him with worry as he falls to a knee. She calls his name but he looks too dazed to truly hear it. Asia immediately started to use Twilight Healing but it had no effect, and Rias was about to resort to the Phoenix Tears but halted herself; if the Twilight Healing couldn't help with the issue they most certainly couldn't either. Everyone looked to Issei with a look of confusion and worry, all but Sona who smirked. "The Sacred Gear Twilight Healing Asia poses nor the Phoenix Tears will help Rias. I took some advice, looked over the videos of your game against Riser. What I learned was exactly what Rivio told us: Issei isn't someone who will give up. He'll keep getting up and fighting until he wins, it truly is frightening really. For the sake of those he cares for, for himself, but mostly for you." She says calmly from her chair. "So we began to think. We couldn't ask Rivio on how to defeat his own brother, that much is cheating and unfair. If we can't beat him by normal means...then we must use not normal means ourselves. If we had to fight 'guts and spirit', a power even greater then that of the Red Dragon Emperor at times- a power where so long as you believe it you can increase your own power, then we simply had to use brains and make a new method."

A Bishop stepped forward with a bag, opening to reveal a red substance. It sloshed around as it moved and Issei's eyes widened as he saw it realizing what it was.

"That's right. It's your blood. You are a Reincarnated Devil yes, but that means at your base level you are a human. Medically it is lethal for a human to loose half of their blood. But you knew that didn't you? As the rules state a Devil unable to compete will be automatically taken to the medical room." Sona states, the confidence in her voice unfaltering as Issei collapses loosing his remaining strength. Kiva throws a dagger at the line attached to his wrist making blood spill form the cut open tube, but that was far too late as Sona explained herself. "It's too late for that. You've lost enough blood to be lethal for a human, you will be transported momentarily." Rias glared as she stood near her pawn. "This however was not accomplished alone. This was all thanks to Saji: his determination to fight you and surpass the Red Dragon Emperor drove him to achieve this win over you, Issei. He came up with the idea to modify the Sacred Gear which can suck out someone's power, to instead suck out their blood. This took considerable control and training, all of which he achieved for his goal. Little by little your blood was taken. Your armor is strong, your resolve unbending, but today the one who sees you as a friend, a fellow Pawn, but also a rival has succeeded you. Saji beat you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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