An old face! The Church duo arrives!

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*CRASH* it really is raining. But that's not what's important, Freed and Stanley are important. Freed is laughing crazier with each passing second as the air gets filled more and more with tension. Then he and Kiba are locked at the blades in there duel. I try to move and help but a black tentacle stops me by wrapping around my leg and throwing me into a wall.

"Let them fight... You are mine... prepare to die." Stanley says in his slow, almost hypnotized voice. The mark on his uncovered left hand the symbol seems to glow and radiates more Darkness energy. "Alright then. Let's do this." I say standing up with a slight ache in my back and side. The training that Sirzechs has put me throw is paying off, I'm more durable then what I used to be.

    I activate my eye and try to pin point his energy so I can see where it comes out from, but it's scattered. He's good at hiding it then, "I hope your ready... because I'm not going to go easy on you... James is done testing you, this is a real fight." With that he runs toward me prompting me to block as a tentacle comes down. I use the now active serpent to push him back only to be hit in the side and knocked to the ground.

    "Shut up!" I hear Kiba yell. I look over to see his fight with Freed not going well, him not being focused doesn't help. That's when I feel a bad pain in my left shoulder.

     Looking at the spot I see blood coming out as a dark tentacle lifts me up to face Stanley. "I said let them fight... look away again and you'll die... well your going to die anyways." He says with an uncaring face, no emotion being showed at all as if he's lost them. With a twitch of his left hand I get thrown off of the tentacle and through a brick wall.

     "Weak! You are weak host! Use my power like your supposed to! Rip and tear him to shreeeeeddddsssssss! Leave not even a trace of him leeeft!" Shut up. I get up and face the area Stanley is in. Him having not moved after throwing me. "You really are weak... I should have your power... this is only a small portion of what you could have had... I've had it since I found a relic containing a piece of the Darkness." He says showing his symbol.

    I run at him with my eye showing me the best route as I quickly teleport to land a hit on his back, then his chest, his sides, and finally I kick him in the chin sending him up. I teleport up to him and pull back with the serpent, slamming it down on him sending him crashing down. I land looking at the hole he made expecting something. That's when suddenly five tentacles come out of the dust and impale me through my limbs and stomach.

      "You seem to pack a punch... but not one enough to hurt me... I am James's right hand so I'm more powerful then the one you faced before." He says as he tosses me to the ground bleeding. Then I start to let out a weak chuckle, prompting him to step forward. "What's so funny?.. you just lost... why laugh at that?" Then he clutches his stomach, specifically the spot I hit him with the serpent. "You see *cough* I've been seeing a special trainer who brought in the strongest devil youth of this generation. He thought me a few things after I lost miserably *cough cough*. One of those things was how to use a bit of senjutsu in my strikes with my eye to help."

When I hit him I saw where his energy point was. He twitched his hand to let the power flow to throw me, that's when I saw where to hit. He stumbles forward a bit coughing as a small line of blood came from his mouth. "Your smart... but you'll still die... this hurts a bit but it's still to little to do any lasting damage... I can just heal this." With that he turns and a magic circle appears next to his ear. "Come Freed... we must leave." He says as Freed pulls out a ball. "I know I know, see you two! Bye bye!" After a bright flash there gone. But that's all I see as I start to see black and pass out.

      "Weeeeaaaaakkkk! Pathetic! Your are pathetic! You let him defeat you with that poor copy of my power!" I shake my head trying to get the ringing out of my ear that  big dark and psychopathic caused. "Well you seem mad." I say hearing a growl at my remark. "You say mad, that's not evEN HALF OF IT! YOU MISERABLE BRAT! IF YOU WOULD ACCEPT MY POWER THEN YOU WOULD HAVE WON! LET ME FREE BOY!"

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