Rivio's Troubles

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I stood there shocked. Alister Daniels-Rosan...Rosan....he's family? But I thought-

"I can tell from your expression that you thought no others were left. It's quite the opposite in fact. While yes finding a Rosan is rather rare these days, it's not because we've all died. The main branch of the family is still up and running but in hiding as well; you can imagine that our family has done a lot of things in the past." Alister says to me with a tired smirk.

"That's...about right. But why has no one ever tried to reach out to me?" I ask him. He sighs and gestures for me to follow, so I walk with him through the park in the afternoon glow.

  "It's not that no one wanted to; hell many people did. After the death of your mother the family took a big blow, but even before that we were constantly being kicked down. Your family has been persecuted since...shit maybe since the dark ages? I don't remember the full history." Alister says as we find ourselves next to the parks fountain. It's funny, this is where it all started. Where Issei died and was resurrected, where I was almost killed but saved leading me to meet the ORC. It seems so long ago.

  Alister sits on the edge as he continues. "Point is; with everyone being almost hunted down and killed or locked up, it was a bit difficult to narrow down searches. We barley found out Debby had moved hear after she left the Clan's homeland; so when we found that at least you survived it was a breath of fresh air. I just wish Jammie could be here to see it." He said getting solum at the end. He subconsciously twisted a wedding band around on his left ring finger; it was aged and clearly had seen time, but he wore it nonetheless to this day.

  "Was she...?" I ask not finishing the sentence.

  He gave a sad nod. "Yep. Her and our daughter, Loriana. The people hunting the Rosans will not stop till every last one is gone after all, so what's a few children's deaths?" He asked rhetorically.

  "Well...how many Rosans are out there now?" I ask.

  "Maybe a couple hundred at most, at least over sixty. But that's why I came to you: you're the son of Janet, the sister of the last Rosan Clan Head. If we get you back to the Rosan homeland then surely people will start to listen." He said confusing me. He got up as if to go somewhere and grabbed my wrist pulling me along. I however stood my ground and got out of his grip. He turned back and looked at me confused.

  "To start, I have no idea what you're talking about. Second, I'm not going anywhere; I just got home from being kidnapped and tortured, I've barely gotten myself under control even now. What makes you think I'd just willingly let myself be whisked away on another crazy adventure when I'm not at 100 percent?" I ask him.

  Alister sighs and puts a hand to his eyes. "You're right. I got ahead of myself again; stupid stupid!" He said hitting himself over the head lightly. "I'll answer your first thing first. When I mean they will listen to you I mean the Clan Elders. Right now the Rosan Clan is in disarray: people are vying for power, members die left and right, it's a shit storm right now. Not to mention your cousin, Slade, is stirring up a mess." He says confusing me further.

  I put my hands up. "Back up a bit, who's Slade?" I ask. He gets one of those 'this is gonna be a loooong story' looks as we begin to walk again, this time toward my house for the night.

  "Slade is...well first like I said he's your cousin. His father was the brother to your mother and my wife. Slade was a sweet kid ya know? Kind and caring up until his dad got killed. After that he changed. He became more hate-filled, would use his power to harm even his own family if necessary in his eyes. He got eccentric and led a sort of revolution slash rebellion. Started gathering others from parts of the Clan too, equipped themselves with armor and weapons and started calling themselves the Knights of Sin. That's who I need you to help me deal with. If we can get you before the Elders then they have to acknowledge that Slade is leading us to extinction." Alister said as we came to the front area of the house. He gawked at the sight of its hugeness where I simply pushed his mouth back closed.

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