Bonus Chapter 2: Time with the new devil

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  That was a fun party. Cake and all my friends there, truly a fun time. Well, I think and hope we're friends. That's always been the hardest area to progress in for me, to many time have I tried and ended up seeing the horrific deaths of them thanks to the Darkness. It would distance me from others greatly, but I hope to break out of my shell this year. Ever since that day mother and father died, then grandmother as well, I've tried to but I would always still feel alone.

     "Oh Rivio, I didn't know you were still here." I heard from behind me. Turning around I see that it was Asia, oh ya until she gets a place to stay permanently she's sleeping here. "Sorry, just was helping clean up some of the mess left over. I'll be gone soon." I say picking up a piece of confetti. After throwing it and a few plates away Asia speaks up again. "Your not a devil right Rivio?" She asks with a confused face.

   "Correct, I am not a devil." I say turning to her. "Then why do you talk with them and have parties with them? Is it some sort of pact? Oh I'm sorry, it's probably a private matter." She says. Wow, the first person to finally ask that. Wondered when and who it would be. "No it's alright. To answer your question there's two reasons, one being because of aniki. He may be a devil and have a very powerful Sacred gear but he still needs some help. I will master and use my own Sacred gear to help and protect those I care for, I will not let another person close to me die again." I mumble the last part but forgot about the devil senses she now has, she looks up and asks "What do you mean again?"

     So I tell her the story I told Kiba. About how my parents died that night. "Rivio, I'm so sorry." She says looking sad. "Hmhm, it's ok. I don't try and dwell on the past to often, in fact I think of it as a fire. If you reach out for it to long then your past will eventually burn away your future leaving you with ashes for your present day." I say softly smiling. "Now the second reason is still being thought upon. It's also a very big secret so if you promise to keep it I will tell you." I say to which she nods her head "Mmhm, I promise."

    I take a breath in mentally preparing myself for what I'm going to say. "The second reason is because I believe that Koneko has taken the spot as my first crush, so I hope being around the same general area as her will help me sort things out. Though whenever I think of it like that it's a bit creepy isn't it." I say chuckling a bit. "A crush?" She asks tilting her head to the side in confusion. Oh right, nun for her whole life till now so she wouldn't know what a crush is.

     "Well, it's like when someone likes someone very much but not love. So a crush could be like a gateway to love or something, but I really don't know. I've never had one and really my view on love is different from others." I say still unsure of what is coming from my mouth. She slowly nods and then asks my view on love, and how they are different. "To me love is a bit of a burden honestly. I mean don't get me wrong love is still an important thing but ever since that night it's just been a hard thing to grasp. But truly, love draws the best and worst out of everyone. In one side you get partnership, happiness, trust and honesty. But in the other you get worry, stress, sometimes others get paranoia or anxiety, sometimes a backstabber and cheater, user. You really can never have a true pro with love without an equal and opposite con as no matter what one may believe there's nothing perfect and true in this world."

     Can that be counted as a morbid view? Huh, maybe but that's just my opinion. Asia sits there in a contemplation of some sort, processing what I just said. Then she looks up at me. "But love doesn't always have to be bad like that you know. Sometimes love can be good, that's how I see it at least. You can't have love without at least a bit of happiness so it makes you happy. Also if you do find love you can make it grow and become stronger for the one you give it to." She says.

    A silence hangs in the room. I get up slowly turning my body in a position to leave. "You know, that is true. Well I'm off so see you later Asia." I say as I head for the door. "Wait." I turn my head around to look at her. "You said you had a Sacred gear right? What's it's name?" It's name? I can't tell her the Darkness because that would raise suspicions according to Jackie. Hmm I need to come up with one... Ah ha!

    "Darkness Caller. That's it's name. I hope to master it and protect all those I hold dear to me." I say walking further out the door, opening it and walking down the stone path. "Darkness Caller huh? Fitting name, nice in the spot save kid." Ya, I couldn't think of anything else but it does match. The Darkness is called through the power of the Sacred gear now that I broke that seal containing it so it needed a name that made sense. But Asia's words on the previous topic still linger in my mind.

Make it grow and become stronger huh? Almost like a flower blooming, like my favorite for instance the black rose. I will take those words to heart. Maybe they will help change my outlook on things someday.

-------------------------------------------------------New chapter, finally

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New chapter, finally. Sorry for the long delay as this past week has popped up a lot of tests and what not, including more this week and next week. But none the less I shall not let that hinder this story. I plan to see it to the end. Plus, over 600 views. Just wow. You guys are amazing and I thank you all who's stuck with this fanfic thus far. Sorry this isn't a full chapter, if I did a full one instead of a bonus then I'd be up all night having to remember what took place in that episode of the anime/ part of the manga and if I didn't then I'd need to reread/ rewatch said part. So why not add some character development and bonding instead? Fun fact, one similarity between Rivio and I is the favorite flower being the black rose. That's about it so far actually. But as always the respective owners deserve much love and support. I own nothing, not even the rose picture. Credit to that ones owner I sadly could not find them. But I do hope for you all to have a wonderful day.

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