Bonus chapter 1: getting to know a new friend

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  I was sitting in the club room, it was already after school but I decided I wanted to help out with some things Rias said needed done such as light cleaning. I had finished most of it now, hopefully it will be near or exactly spotless when they come in tomorrow.

    After setting work to the highest point in the shelf to dust I heard the door creak open softly. "Oh hey Rivio didn't expect to see you here." It was Kiba who walked in with his normal smile on. He say down and pulled out a sword to begin polishing as I finished the shelf. "So what are you doing here this late after school? I would suspect that your parents are worried if you didn't let them know." He asks looking up to me, unknowingly hitting a dark spot for me.

    "No they know. They even said it was a good thing to do seeing as I'd be helping out my friends." I said hoping it was a good enough answer to move on from this subject. "That's good, I know that the president will definitely be happy that everything looks clean. She will definitely be thankful." He said with a smile as he applying the first bit of polish to the blade. I look at it, every angle it has and how it shines in the late afternoon sun from the windows. It looks so amazing, I've always had a bit of an interest in swords and bladed weapons. Though I guess I made my interest a bit too pronounced.

   "Like it?" He asks smiling as usual. "It's a new sword I've been working on, hopefully it will
live up to its name." Hmm does it have a special ability? Like a magic sword? "Wait, you mean you make swords? Is that a Sacred gear?" I ask getting a nod of yes. "You are quite smart for someone who was just thrown into our world, that's good. It helps to learn quickly so that when you unlock yours you'll be able to judge any problems correctly."

    "I like taking in things with as much detail as I can. It never hurts to listen and learn, it's better then rushing into  this side of the world blind." He nods another yes as he finishes wiping the blade and hilt. "You know, you and Issei are brothers right?" He asks. "Ya, why?" pleas don't lead where I think it's leading. "Oh nothing, it's just that you two are almost completely different. You also don't look that much alike." He says getting a thoughtful expression as if trying to figure out a puzzle. "Well, I was adopted so it would be normal not to look like him."

    "You were adopted?" I guess no turning back now, might as well say something. "Ya, Mr and Mrs Hyoudou adopted me as there son though they have treated me as if I was born into the family. Wait, how did you not know this? We even have different last names." I point out to which he...scratches the back of his head with a awkward smile. "Oh ya, forgot about that" face meat hand, oh it's a pleasure to meat you face said my hand "if that's how it is then what happened to your real parents?" The magic question is asked.

     I don't like, no, I hate remembering that day. It was ruined by that one event wether it be because of bad luck or coincidence. "They're...they're dead." I say quietly, I guess I had to say something seeing as he asked so why not the truth instead of avoiding it? He looks shocked at this, must not be what he was expecting. Who would? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry." He says looking apologetic while bowing his head a bit. "No it's fine, you were curious it's natural and besides its not like you knew the answer would be that." He looks down at his sword as if thinking of something. " did they pass?" He asks.

     Well if I'm going by the truth then there's no point in hiding it. "We were about to head out to a amusement park because it was a nice day outside, we were all happy that day. While we were getting ready a house robber broke through the door and held a gun to my father, shouting how he would shoot if he didn't give him all of our money. The robber looked anxious, stuttering a bit in his words while shaking and sweating obviously that being his first time robbing, he also didn't cover his face showing a teen around 17. My father slowly stepped toward him, talking in a calm voice trying to convince him that he didn't need to do this. Father always did believe in the good in people and how some can see the error of there ways. Well after a few steps the robber got more scared and nervous pulling the gun more up to aim with more shacking.

     He said that if he took another step he'd shoot. That's when it happened. After seeing no alternative father rushed him, gaining the upper hand instantly by pushing the gun up. He kept him in a lock like that but the robber was slowly fighting out of it. Then a loud bang, a flash mother was shot. Her blood splattering around and a bit on me. This made father look away and gave the robber the chance so he shot him in the side. Then again, and again, until he heard the click of an empty pistol. Though he did try to keep firing he finally stopped seemingly realizing what had happened.

   He started to tremble and dropped the gun while moving to slide down the wall. He was muttering I'm sorry over and over again while looking pale. After a while the police came in, neighbors had called them after hearing loud yelling. They arrested him and I was taken in by my grandmother who eventually died of old age, leading me to my mothers friend the Hyoudous."

   Silence. Nothing but pure silence filled the room. I kept my eyes to my hands as my vision went blurry, some tears slipping down going to my hands. I heard some shuffling and then felt arms rap around me. I looked up and saw Kiba next to me trying to comfort me. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. No one should have to ever witness such a thing. Though know that you aren't alone, you can rely on us now. Even if your not a part of us servants you still are family to us all. Don't be afraid to come and ask if you need someone to talk to, because we're your friends." He says with a kind and soft smile.

    I softly return the gesture, I've never had friends before. This is what it feels like. First a crush now friendship, it's all so new yet...amazing.

    I wiped my eyes and he stood up. "You know if you want I can teach you some sword play? You seem to like swords." He said getting a smile and a nod from me. He chuckles and motions for me to follow "Then let's go. I'll teach you the basics first."

    I don't know if it's just luck or coincidence, but this is the best moments I've known. Feeling new things.
     A bonus chapter showing how Kiba and Rivio got there friendship going. As usual all rights go to the amazing creators of Highschool DxD. Now then, I would like to thank everyone for nearly 300 readers. I never thought that I would make it this far with any story. It makes me happy to know that people can find enjoyment in my stories and hopefully I can provide more for you. Thank you so much, and as usual everyone, have a wonderful day.

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