Day 1: Start Traning!! The Dragons meet!

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Ouch, my head. It feels like I was hit by a truck. "Oh your up. Want something to drink?" I hear a voice say, seeing Azazel walk in. He sets down a glass of water for me as I sit up. "What happened? The last thing I remember was you talking a bit about the current White Dragon Emperor, then everything is a bit fuzzy. I remember... a fight I think but... I wasn't moving my body."

"Ya figured you wouldn't remember. But to be partially conscious in a berserk state like that is a good sign. When Vali got close you were able to feel his power. Again not surprising since he's the strongest Vanishing Dragon. To make it short and simple, you sensed that power, went berserk because of it allowing the Darkness to console you. You two fought for a bit, then you unlocked your-" "Balance Breaker?" I interrupted. He smirks and nods. "Yep, since you know that I assume that was you at the last bits of your fight. I honestly wish I had a camera because that was a good one, even if it did cause a bit of damage." I stare at him with a blank expression.

"Hahaha, kidding kidding. But I've never seen Vali in a situation like that. In fact he may want to fight you again someday." He said. This guy is weird. "You said we caused a bit of damage, was anyone hurt?" I ask, if someone got caught in the crossfire while I want in control of my body I'd be devastated. Even if I was in control, I am not about to purposely harm normal people. "Thinking of others before yourself? Definitely Kane's son. Nobody but you and Vali revived damage; well unless you count that parking garage, that thing was completely destroyed on the bottom level."

     Wait..."You knew my father?" I ask. He said I was like him. They met before? "Yes I did. Janet and Kane came to us for aid, your grandfather had some connections with us before, and when they reached out I couldn't deny them. It's a shame it ended as it did for them, they were so lively." He said. Grandmother never talked about grandfather much, that explains why I never learned since obviously my parents would never tell me. "But that's besides the point. I assume you unlocking Balance Breaker comes with a catch huh?" I take sip of the water, getting that disgusting flavor of first waking up out of my mouth.

     I lower the cup back down on the little cup tray he had put it on. "Yes it does. Though I made it that way. Now more than ever I'll need your help." I say to him. "And whys that? Don't you already have the great Lucifer helping you?" He asks. I stand and stretch a bit, popping my back, arms, and legs. I feel a bit of what the fight gave me last night but it's not enough to hinder any plans for today. "I need your help because of your knowledge on Sacred Gears. Out of the three factions your someone who know a lot about them, even if you don't know everything. Your my best bet to accomplish what I put myself in."

    "Hmmm. You got a point kid, fine I'll help. Now what kind of situation is it?" He asks getting up and grabbing his cup of water. "I made a bet with the Darkness: I train till the conference between the three factions without it interfering again. Then we fight, if I lose it gets my body and soul, if I win I get complete control over it." He chokes a bit on his water. Coughing and gasping for air he hits his chest before he calms down and catches his breath. "That is... quite a deal you made. In fact it's probably suicide."

    I look down at the floor, I know it was a bad deal but if I can control it then I finally can progress more, and I won't put anyone in danger. Not Issei, Rias, Koneko, not anyone. If any of my friends got hurt because of me I'd never forgive myself. "I guess that's just more of a reason to help you. We'll start when Vali returns, the training we'll do will be your current powers including your new Balance Breaker. We have to strengthen it and increase the time you can use it." He says. I look up gaming a smile.

   "Thank you. So where is he anyway?" I ask he gains a face as if he remembered something important. "Oh ya, he went to see the area of the meeting. Also he's going to see your brother. So if you could do you think you can go get him? I'd say do there in your Balance Breaker to start training it but it's still daylight." He says.

The Darkness of Kuoh AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora