Arc of the New Brotherhood: The Abduction

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Last time on: The Darkness of Kuoh

"My name is James Valente, son of Victor Valente and leader of the New Brotherhood. The answer to your other questions is quite simple really, the New Brotherhood wants the Darkness for its destructive force to control and use it..."

       "I? I am Hector De'Anthony, lieutenant to James Valente. 'As the Darkness settles I shall be the shining eternal light that cuts through it for the path of glory, with the path clear I shall reap your black souls to bloody oblivion.'"

"Oh, vergib mir, my name is Emilia. You are aquatinted with my group."

       "Bonjour child, I am Clément, the one in charge of training our new recruits."

"Look Matt, a bunch of Devils." "Ya, Devils and the host Ash."

       "I swear in my life I will have it! Ahhhhhhh! Stanley!" At the mention of his name the man stands up straight. "For now I'm in no condition to go out. You will be in charge on the field. I want that brat and The Darkness by any means!" Stanley nods, opening the door and walking away.


      "The sender is Alonzo. I, the receiver, am Aurora."

       "Send them through the portal and get ready to extract both the Darkness and the Angelus!"
        Sirzechs stood there, staring off to where the mass destruction had taken place between Rivio and Aurora. He knew something was wrong when the battle didn't continue, then his fears were increased once he got the message from Rivio. An old trick used by magicians he taught him to transfer images and sounds to another, to let them experience that memory as if they were there themselves.

     What Sirzechs saw was of grave concern. The New Brotherhood finally showed up at the table to play but have yet to show their hand.

      "Grayfia." Sirzechs calls for his wife. She comes over stepping past the rubble of the walls after Loki had attacked and been transported away. The leaders and anyone able were helping to see if anyone was injured, only a few were thankfully. She arrives in front of her husband and sees the serious expression on his face, one reserved for very important matters; so understandably she is wondering what is wrong and asks.

       "After you finish here gather a computer and capable group of high to ultimate class devils. Tell them to meet me and be prepared to move." He says as he stars a fast paced walk to prepare the details and try to pinpoint a location that Rivio could have been taken. He showed him the other side of the portal and then the link cut off.

      Grayfia followed after him quickly close behind, surprised at her husbands sudden seriousness. "I shall do as you asked but what is going on? What has happened?" She asked. He doesn't slow down till their out of earshot of the other devils. Turning to her he starts to explain.

      "Rivio has been taken by the New Brotherhood. He showed me his memories just before he was forced through a portal to somewhere, possibly a base of theirs or their headquarters. I do not know exactly just yet. We must go after then before they try extracting the Darkness and kill him."

     He pauses and looks her in the eye. "Issei, Rias, Koneko, the whole group must not know about this." Grayfia has even more shock rub through her, Sirzechs keeping something so important a secret from Rias and her peerage? Why?

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