A new friend, and a new voice, and traning will start. Finally!

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We stare at the fallen girl, well I stare normally while Aniki is Aniki. "Or I could be a gentleman, here are you ok?" He asks breaking from his perverted side to go and help her up. Impressive, he did it on his own this time.

She takes his hand getting up,"Oh, ya I'm ok really." She says as the wind suddenly blows and her vale goes with it. What is revealed is a young face with emerald green eyes and blond hair, when I say young I mean around our age at least. Hmm I wonder what he's thinking seeing as he's staring now with a little blush.

He stops staring running after the vale as more wind blows carrying it a bit further away. I kinda zone out because she's only thanking him. What really catches my attention is the cross and how she's dressed. I'm no expert but isn't that how a nun would dress? If so then she's a follower of God, one of aniki's enemies now right? I mean he is a devil now.

After a bit I look up and...what? Where did they go!? How long was I standing here thinking!? Crap, if I don't find him then he'll be late for school! I don't want to take a visit to the student council president I hear she's really strict.

I start to speed walk in the direction I think they went and come across them, but the girl is next to a young crying boy. She has a green glow coming from her hands, is that what I think it is? I move in and stand next to Aniki, he doesn't even notice I'm here, he's looking at the scene in front of us.

"So you meet someone new and leave me behind?" I say making him jump. "Rivio! Where did you come from? And what do you mean leave you behind?" He asks after seeing me next to him finally. Did he just ask what I meant?

I gain a tick mark, typical. "You walked off without me with the new person and didn't even realize?" I ask as he sheepishly scratches his neck. "Hahaha...maybe?" He says. My tick mark grows a bit as my eyebrow twitches. Why you!

When I'm about to tell him off for forgetting about me so easily the girl comes over. "All done! Sorry I just had to." She says. Grrrr your saved today Aniki. We start to walk a bit when we reach what I believe is our destination seeing as they both stop. I look up and...here?

"Nnn why this place? A filthy chuuuurrrrccchhhhhh!!!" I hear the voice say. That's right, were at a church. It seems it doesn't like it here. I break from my little staring contest with the old building to hear the end of there talk. "I'm Asia, thanks again." She says. "It's fine, I'm Issei and this is my little brother Rivio. Hope to see you again sister Asia." He says as we begin to walk away from the church.
-----------------Time Skip------------------------
Hmm I wonder what Aniki and Rias are talking about. I decided to go to the club room to wait for them, I'm surprised they let me in here seeing as I'm not a devil and not apart of there club. Oh well no need to dwell on it.

Seeing as I'm alone, maybe I can try and do something with that voice. Maybe talk to it. I sit up straight, taking in calm breathes and concentrating. "I know your there, and I know you can hear and understand me. What are you?"

I wait for a bit, listening as best I can for anything. Though I only hear silence. I guess it was jus-"...you...ear...?"- what was that? It's not the voice I'm used to. "Can...u...me?" I concentrate harder, the more I do the clearer the voice is!

"Can you hear me?" Yes! There it is! "Yes I can hear you. Who are you?" I ask, hoping to finally get some answers. "Who I am doesn't matter, right now what matters is the thing inside you." The thing inside me? Is he talking about my Sacred gear?

"That thing, it has a goal. I know what it is and know how to deal with it, to control it. Trust me kid you will need my help to make sure it doesn't take control of you." He knows about it? Then...who is he? I can hear a bit of an accent and he sounds a bit over twenty but that's all I have.

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