Arc of The New Brotherhood: Shades of Trust

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It has been three days now. Three days Rivio and Aurora have been shackled to the walls. At the moment a daily ritual for them was taking place.

     The sounds of metal hitting flesh filled the circular chamber. The one throwing the punches was certainly no slouch, as the first guest she had was already bartered and beaten with blood trailing down his face and the various cuts his interrogator put on him. Rivio weakly looked up as a final blow hot Aurora in the face, causing her head to whip to the side.

        Emilia was panting a little, flexing her fingers after working then so hard with the punches. The studded gloves on her hands had blood drops dripping to the floor from being used on two people one after the other. Reaching up she grabbed Aurora by the hair and made her look at her face. "This was fun kleines mädchen, but sadly our time is up for today. I shall see you again tomorrow. Don't worry though, someone will come and heal your wounds so you won't die as usual." She says turning to the grunts and forcefully yanking the crystal our of Aurora's shoulder. With a finale wave she calls out "Auf Wiedersehen!" as her and the grunts leave, closing the doors behind them. For a moment all that could be heard was the two occupants' heavy breathing from being beaten. After a few minutes, true to Emilia's word, someone did come in and healed them and then left just as fast. The same routine day in and day out for what's felt like months.

       Rivio watched as they left, and then the door closed again then back up at Aurora. "I don't get it. Why torture us then heal us? It seems counter productive." He says shakily feeling phantom pain in his body still. Aurora weakly smirked and chuckled at his comment.

         "There...trying to brake us." She says still breathing heavily. "They need to make sure the seals on the Sacred Gears that still exits are taken care of. Plus the easiest way for that pretty decoration between us to extract the Darkness and Angelus is of we're willing to give them up. My guess? They probably will make some cliche bargain like 'the pain will stop as long as you give us what we want' or something." She finishes with an attempt at impersonating James' voice.

Rivio laughed a bit at her failed voice attempt. "Still, what's with that crystal? When she stabbed it into me it felt...-" "Draining?" "Ya. Exactly that. The second it had punctured it felt like my energy was being sapped." Aurora nodded in agreement.

     "I don't know what that thing was." She said. "But it was dangerous especially in this situation. The less energy in us means the less protection the seals have. As they try to break our bodies they're also slowly breaking our minds, making it easier for them to get what they want." Rivio looks down in thought at her words. If they keep this up then the two will surely break as they plan.

       "Anyway, I was about to tell you about me right? Just before she came in and started wailing on us for a while, and before the sessions where James comes in. All that mushy trust stuff we need to survive this." Aurora says, resorting to humor to lighten the mood in their situation.

      "You don't have to if you don't want to."

      "No, it's fine. Fair is fair right?" She said, mentally preparing herself to relive her past.

"I guess the start of it all was my parents. My mother was a baker, and my father was a police officer. Both simple humans. They had me and for a few years everything was great; simple life, simple childhood, simple girl's life. But then when I turned 7... my dad got killed while taking part in a drug raid. My mom was devastated and fell into a deep depression, she stated to always drink and take pills killed her. I was left alone for a while, wondering the streets.

     "Some guys ended up taking me to a hideout of sorts. For 4 years they kept me locked up in a dark cellar. They...did things to me. Beat me. Tortured me...Used me. All for their own amusement. After enduring it for so long I lost it one day, and the Angelus took over. When I woke up everyone was dead. I could head her in my head as well, and a few days later a group of people showed up. Magicians and knights from an order known as Overseer, they were searching for a group of stray devils who just recently started causing trouble. What they found instead was me.

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