Home at last... But no resting yet!

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       I put my bag on the floor, the headache subsiding. Now, it's been a good while since last time I was here and from what I remember was Rias and the rest of the ORC being in a Rating game. Well the ten day limit is up and it's night so I'm guessing it already happened. "Ya, it did. It's good your back now actually because you need to go check on your brother."....... Jackie? "What kid?" Your talking now. When I could have used the help back in Kyoto. IM GONNA MURDER YOU! WHY WOULD YOU ABANDON ME LIKE THAT!? "Wow, you should calm down a bit. I didn't abandon you kid. The place was so full of magic and other super natural things that I couldn't respond to you so you'd hear. But nice job on getting the Arm of The Night and Kusanagi, those will be extremely useful and they come with there own Darkness power."

I look down at my two new additions to my person. They do huh? Well that will be experimented with later. Right now I should actually check on aniki like Jackie said. I open my door and head a bit across the hall to his room. I knock but get a response not from aniki but from a familiar maids voice. "Come in Rivio." I open the door to see aniki covered in bandages laying on his bed with Grayfia next to it. "A-aniki! What happened!?" I ask shocked at his appearance moving to his bed.

    "The Rating Game went as predicted, Lady Rias lost to Lord Riser. This was the outcome of him pushing his body to keep fighting Lord Riser until Lady Rias forfeited the Game." I listen but keep my eyes on aniki. "So, this was from the game? It was that piece of crap Phoenix wasn't it!?" I unintentionally shot as I turn to her with rage in my eyes. "Kid, calm down. Your getting to angry. Take some deep breaths and think." I hear Jackie say, but I don't care. Grayfia stands there looking at me with her normal stoic face.

    "It must be hard, isn't it. To have to keep your power a secret." I stop and stare at her, the anger slowly going a bit away. "What do you know about it?" I say. "Other then the fact that it is dense in evil and malice intent nothing. The only people who may know of it would be the Maou, Azazel of the Grigori, and the God of the Bible." She says to me not breaking her stoic face.

     "I do know one thing however, if you can't control your feelings; mostly the ones of hate, sadness, and negative emotions in general, them you will be corrupted by it. If you don't gain any more control you will hurt everyone you care for. That's the reason your eye isn't human anymore." My eyes widen as I turn to a mirror in anikis room to see that my eye did change. Crap, it did it without me telling it to? This is bad. I need to calm down. Calm. Calm.

     Ok. I think... I think I'm good for now. "So when will he wake up?" I ask her turning back to aniki. "It's hard to tell. He's been in this state for many hours now." The door opens with Asia being in the door way. "Oh Rivio your back. How was your trip? I was just bringing Issei a fresh towel up." I don't answer as I keep staring at him. Asleep for hours huh? "Have you tried anything to wake him?" "Yes, all to no success." I nod humming to her answer. I then stand up, pull out the Arm of The Night, and aim it at the secret dry-wall he put in to hide his...unmentionable things.

    "Aniki, if you don't get up now your magazines and DVDs are going to have a whole throw all of them." And like a rocket he shut up screaming "Leave my collection alone!" *sigh* Always the pervert aniki. "Wait what the hell happened? How did I get here?" He says as Grayfia steps forward. "You were brought here after Lady Rias surrendered in the Rating Game." "We lost? But Rias wouldn't surrender she'd keep on fighting?" "Yes I'm afraid so. Lord Riser was going to kill you so Lady Rias surrendered to save you."

     He holds on to his head, it most not be clear yet. So Riser tried to kill him? Well let's see how the bird feels when he's near the chopping block next. Wait. No. Stop! Damn it if this keeps up I'll lose it. I can't calm down now, I just- "You want to tear his heart out don't you? Rip and maim his body till it's nothing but a tangled mass blood and bones. Hahahhaahhahha! Do it hooooossssttttttt! Don't hold me back any longer! KILL HIM!"

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