Arc of The New Brotherhood: Will of Humanity

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  "Attack!" Vilhelm yelled out. The remaining force of Overseers and Devils joined the man in his run toward the creature, toward 'Rivio'. Yuuto stared on as he tried using what magic he knew to speed Koneko's wake. He heard a screech that was so spine chilling, so ear piercing, that he held his hands over his own and looked up shaking. Vilhelm was the first to charge, as such he was the first to reach 'Rivio'; but that means he was the first to be seen as a threat. Letting out his screeches 'Rivio' simply used his over-muscled arm to try and swat Vilhelm away- to the man's credit he got his shield up in time to attempt a block, but with the major power up the teen had he was unable to stop himself from flying across the battlefield. With Vilhelm temporarily out of the way all that was coming toward 'Rivio' was the remnants of the ground forces: the few Devils, and the remaining 139 humans of the Overseers.

  Going down to his hands and knees, 'Rivio' launches himself leaving imprints down to his knees with the force. He landed in the center of the horde he deemed enemies and started attacking. He used his ten demon serpents to swat away anyone who came to close from behind, while also using them to tunnel across the ground and throw people around. He used his taloned hands to grab two people by the face and spun them around- after they were good and disoriented he threw one at a group of people and held the other high. He stabbed the blades of Kusanagi protruding from his arms into the poor man and then used his corpse to hit others away. He went into a crouch and spread his arms out, challenging them to strike again.

  The five unlucky fools to charge first were met with sudden loss of gravity and their torsos being twisted and ripped off. The next wave got further as the blood of their allies showered down on them, only to have sudden pits of black tar open and creatures to come up and grab onto their legs. They were dragged into the pits kicking and screaming as another batch of fools attacked 'Rivio'. These ones actually got close till he sent spikes out of his body and into the throats of them. 'Rivio' then grew tired of just sitting there allowing the idiots to run to their deaths and used his immense speed to start having his own fun.

  In the blink of an eye he was among a small group decapitating them and sucking out their life force with his eyes. He started to power up and leave the husks of the poor sods to rot.

  He was to enthralled by the humans around him that he didn't sense the Touki empowered fist hit across his face as Sairaorg launched himself to 'Rivio'. The fist sent, what Aurora has dubbed the Eschatos-Skotádi- Last Darknesss- across the field and hitting the ground tumbling end over end on itself. "Common Rivio, snap out of it!" Sairaorg yellled our as he stood proud before the Oberseer forces; trying to protect them it seemed. His other Devil companions joined him as Reinhardt cane up next, and slowly with a limp Vilhelm recovered to stand among them.

  "I'm getting to old for this shit." He said as he put his shield forward and sword atop it.

  Coldel stared on toward the creature with slight admiration at his power, as did the other Devils.

  "How many still stand?" Vilhelm asked Reinhardt.

  "About...90 sir." Reinhardt said to him hefting his battle axe. "And with how this creature fights, no doubt we will be reduced to nothing fast."

  "Then it's a good thing we are here." Albas said smirking. "I wanna test this so called will of humanity for myself." He said and charged in.

"Stop you imbecile! Err!" Serena Singh growled out as she joined him. They didn't hear Sairaorg warn then to stop, nor Sir Vilhelm's shouts of halting. As they got closer to the creature they stopped and stared; the pressure suddenly increased as 'Rivio' started pushing as much power out as it could while absorbing the remnant life force from those he just killed. Every person has darkness inside them, unless they are Angels. This allows him to regenerate and power up with each death even if it's a little. It all adds up in the end- as the two High Class Devils found out when it's power's pressure forced them to a knee and they began to sweat.

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