Rias vs. Sona! (Part 1)

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The crowd kept cheering as I smirked at the reaction. Classic lines deserve classic reactions like that. Looking over to my partner I saw Grayfia staring at me with an expressionless face. "While the excitement is indeed good to play on from the crowd, remember you are to be completely and totally neutral while here." She says to me.

I nod. "I know; but you gotta give the crowd what they want and all that. This is a major event, so playing off the excitement as you said will be great to get the best reactions." I say to her. She doesn't respond and turns to the arena below as the chosen simulation starts to form. I recognize it after it finished materializing: the department store by our school. No one has home field advantage it would seem since both parties are aquatinted with the area.

"It's a smart decision boy. Unlike when they placed the fire bird and the brat Gremory in a game of their own." The Darkness said in my head. "Agreed." I reply. Grayfia looks over to me and I gesture to my noggin which she understands my meaning.

She clears her throat as all the participants are teleported in finally. "Hello everyone. I, the Queen of the Lucifer Peerage, shall be acting as arbiter for this Rating Game along with my special guest as request by the 4 Satans and Governor General of the Fallen Angels." She says giving me my cue.

"Good evening to you all. I am Rivio Rosan, as Lady Grayfia has said I am here to act as a secondary arbiter as well as a guest commentator." I smirk before continuing. "I hope I can liven things up and witness a historic Rating Game with you all!" I say with more excitement, getting cheers from the crowd.

Grayfia clears her throat and gets the crowd to settle as she continues. "In the name of my master, Sirzechs Lucifer, I will watch over the battle between these two families. It is a pleasure to be here; but to get right to the main event." She gestured to me to continue.

"Indeed Lady Grayfia. Before everyone is the agreed upon arena chosen by the higher ups for this bought: the department store within the neighborhood by the human school 'Kuoh Academy' that both Lady Rias and Lady Sona attend. As you can see it is two stories in height, and while it is not that big vertically, it is long horizontally. Within this department store one could be overwhelmed by its size of its their first time entering. The roof is a parking lot with another separate garage building elsewhere." I explain to the spectators.

The people (Devils and no doubt other species watching via strange broadcasting means) all seemed to get hyped at the idea of such a building being used. I guess they have malls down here and know the concept, I myself always wondered if such a place would be good to hide out in if a zombie apocalypse were to break out.

  Grayfia nodded at my explanation in approval as she continued. "Both groups have been teleported to their respective bases: Lady Rias' kn the second floor to the east, and Lady Soba' son the first floor to the west. As normal Pawns are allowed Promotion so long as they enter the enemy base."

I looked over the layout and saw where exactly their bases were. They were by the pet shop, arcade, food court, book store, and drug store. I had been to the book store and arcade there before nice things to buy and read. Sona's was by the grocery section, an electrical appliance store, a fast food joint, and a general store. Both had good amounts of cover so it would be interesting to see how they employed tactics into this with that in mind.

"However unlike last time this game has special rules." Grayfia says. "Both groups have detailed documents of these changes but I shall relay them in case they have not: a single bottle of Phoenix Tears has been provided to both teams; furthermore both teams have a 30 minute period for planing before the game truly commences. Any contact with the opposition within that time frame is forbidden- doing so could result in the offending teams disqualification."

The Darkness of Kuoh AcademyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang