Down Time? Nah, Fight

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     "What's up you guys?" Aniki says as we walk into the club room. We take a few steps before he is stopped by...a bra? He gains a blush and oh he's already past the deep end and drowning section. Truly, he is a next level pervert. What he doesn't notice is Koneko coming up; his train of thoughts are stopped by her hitting his head with a lobster. A whole lobster. Ok then seems legit.

     "Did you see anything you like you big pervert?" She asks him as he rubs his head. "Hey it's not what it looks like." He try's to defend himself as the shower, which I just noticed was on, turns off and Asia steps into the frame in only a towel. "Hey is that my bra?" She asks, causing him to go into a panic and drop said article of clothing. This in turn goes into in my opinion some funny talk between them. Im kind not paying attention, something else is talking to me now that it can.

     "So this is the devil group you've been staying around. Hmhmhmhm interesting." I unlocked it from the Sacred gear and now it's very talkative. From what Jackie has explained was its like a dumb version of those Russian dolls, the Sacred gear had one barrier inside that only the host can break to let the actual gear be activated. Though it seems a bit easy if you ask me.

    After a while Rias and everyone show up and she talks to aniki about some sort of training. "Why are we sitting here listing to devil trash? We should be out finding those New Brotherhood fools and rip their hearts out, right after we tear their bodies to bloody shreds HAHAHAAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHA!" Shut up shut up shut up! Oh my god it won't stop talking! How can anyone stand this thing!

    "Rivio, are you ok?" I snap back to reality to see aniki gone and everyone staring at me. The question being from Rias. "Ya I'm good, just need some fresh air. In fact I may turn in for the night so have a good sleep you all." I walk to the door when I'm stopped. "Rivio, if somethings bothering you we will help. I consider you like a younger brother even if we haven't talked much so please, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask." I look back giving a nod and proceed out the door.

    I walk to the park, sitting at a bench. "Now this place? When will we go KILL SOMEONE!?" "Just shut up!" I say. "Hmhmhm oh I don't think so, your stuck with me until you die. Which may happen soon if you don't do as I say!" I shake my head to clear its voice, just stop talking please, it's been going on about this for the whole day now. "I am not going after them for two reasons; one they are better equipped and most likely expect that now that their leader has revealed them, two I'm not a killer. Even if they weren't prepared then I wouldn't do such a thing, I'm not some crazy murderous psycho like you."

    "Oh you poor naïve child. You think the world cares about that? It's either kill or be killed on this lump of rock, and the sooner you figure that out the better. But I will give you one thing brat, it is unwise to rush into a place as heavily armed as the Brotherhood's base." Oh that's right. "He said New Brotherhood, why the new?" I ask. That's been piling at me for quite some time now. "My previous host as you know was Jackie Estacado. We had a run in with them and in the end left them in taters, killing their heads and main boss as well as most of the members that made it up. I didn't think that guy had a kid, which reminds me next time he comes at us stay away from that sword of his. It isn't just the cane and a sword, there's something about it that seems eerily familiar, something that can easily kill you. As my host that's nearly impossible to do without what he has." Fun, so he can not just kill me easily without this thing but even with it.

    I lean my head back in thought to all that's recently happened, it's really a lot to be honest. My whole world was turned upside down because of the new knowledge I have. I'm surprised I have kept myself together this far. But is that thing right? Will, eventually, I need to kill to get anywhere in this life? I get up and walk a bit finding the big fountain in the center. I lean in a bit and look at my reflection only to be met with a bloody face and a purple eye. I recoil back in fright and shock, looking back in I see my normal self. If I end up like this thing in me, what will happen to my friends? My family? I don't want any of them to get hurt.

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