The Otherworld

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      Last time:

     "So this is it huh? The big meeting is officially tomorrow."

            "I made this deal because if I didn't I would be stuck till it took my soul in the future."

     "Well if your not then I'll just kick it's ass till your back. I'll be waiting till you have control again."

"But you know just as well as I do that if he loses you can't exactly hold up your promise..."

"Now the gates have been unlatched, headstones pushed aside. Corpses shift to offer room. A fight you must abiiiiide!"

"Damn it kid don't you dare start losing now!"

"Come back to me."

    "I wiiiiiiin boy."

"I'm to late."


"Gah!" I shoot up, looking around. Wha.. what happened? Where am I?

Suddenly two people burst through the door. They had German World War 2 uniforms on but... their faces weren't normal. They had nothing there, it was like a mask made of skin. The lead German soldier had a twisted grin almost carved into the 'mask' as it pointed commands to its followers.

     They move and grab my arms, dragging me up. I tried to resist but was met with the butt of a rifle to my forehead. They tied my hands and dragged me out and set me next to other people. Looking closer they had actual faces. They also had different uniforms. The majority were American soldiers with some British soldiers mixed in. Why am I here? What's happening?

      That's when the German soldier at the far end of the line pulled out a pistol, aimed it at the head of an American soldier, and fired. His head shot back and his body hit the ground. I notice that the other prisoners are whispering to one another when the one next to me leans closer. "Kid, get ready." What? Get ready for what?

     I look closer at their tied hands and see that they're passing around a knife, cutting the bonds that held them. After 4 soldiers were executed the next one led the charge by tackling the German soldier with the others going to the rest. They took their guns and used them against the Germans. By the time it ended the 10 Nazi soldiers were reduced to 4 who were on their knees surrendering. The count of Allied forces remaining were 13. "Alright! Ready up, more will be here soon. Make sure we're ready for when they arrive."

     The soldier that was next to me came back over with a knife. "Alright kid. Why are you doing in the middle of a war zone?" He asks as he goes behind me and cuts the ropes. "War zone? I... I don't know. I don't even know how I got here or where here even is." He lifts me up as I rub my wrists. "Well your in the middle of what I hope to be one of the last battles of this war."

      I look up and see a black, starless sky with twists of red and dark purple in it. The ground has dead grass if anything other than dirt and sand. The buildings were all decrepit, windows blown out and ceilings collapsed in. Some still stood but were badly damaged and withered. "What War?" I ask focusing back on the soldier. "What rock have you been under? World War 2. The Nazis have put us against a wall here and as you can see we're short some men. But right now you need to get out of this area before you also get killed kid."

     "What were you guys doing here?" I ask "There are other soldiers besides Americans here." He nods and gestures to the others. "This was supposed to be an easy joint operation involving Great Britain and the United States. Objective is classified to all but our commanders on this one but I know it was something big."

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