The Search, And The Encounter.

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  "Holy crap, you all actually put the outfit on." I say looking at the 4 Devils in priest cloths. I put my own set on to help out and search, but obviously it's not out of place for me since I'm human... scratch that, considering mr.psycho keeps screaming about dirty priests. "Ya but with a lot of kicking and squirming." Irina says to my remark. "Nothing will stop me from reaching my goal." Kiba states zipping up the cloak he wore.

       Everyone had put on their outfits; aniki, Koneko, Saji, and Kiba. The two exorcist and devil alliance starts our search tonight. "Oh before you go, I thought it would be best to tell you. The White Dragon has awoken." Xenovia says to aniki. Great, who could it be? I know about the rivalry between the Red and White Dragon Emperors, thank goodness I don't have to deal with something like that. "Actually-" no, no don't say it. I have a rival don't I. "Yep. She's the exact opposite of The Darkness. It's called the Angelus,  it keeps its memories even after it chooses a knew host so be carful as she has a grudge against us. Also just as a heads up The Darkness and Angelus thought it would be good to agree on something and had a kid, it's called the Witchblade. It inhabits only female hosts and is the balance between the dark and light powers of its parents. I do know the host of that one though, Sara Pezzini, a New York detective.", just no. I have a rival that's my complete opposite to deal with. Well I got new motivation to unlock Balance Breaker. "You wouldn't stand a chance! Hehehe, not unless you releaaaassssees the seeeaaaallllsssss!!! Hahahahahahaha!!! You'd get torn limb from bloody limb!" That can't be the only way. I need to get Balance Breaker or else I really won't stand a chance against the Angelus let alone the New Brotherhood.

     I get out of my musings as we walk down another street. Aniki is out of it, he looks like he is thinking of something. "You ok Issei?" Koneko asks as we stop. "Huh? Ya. Just thinking of where to go next." "Well wherever we go it should be a place with no people." Kiba says. "Do you know a place?" Aniki asks getting a nod.
---------------------Time Skip--------------------
       "Isn't this the place where we fought Vizier the stray devil?" Aniki asks looking around him. They talk a bit more but I stop feeling for any presence. I activate my eye looking around with it when I find someone standing on the roof. He has a sword, crap I have to warn them!

      "Kiba, aniki! Above you!" I yell out as a familiar face jumps down and clashes blades with Kiba. A he does this he yells out "Blink" and flips back up to the roof area. "I forgot to thank you earlier." Freed says. "For what?" Kiba answers getting a shocked face from Saji. "Wait is that the stray priest?" "Ya" I respond, "he is the stray, he's really an annoyance." I say getting a tick mark out of him. "You psychotic bastard!" Aniki yells at him.

     He smiles widely and yells "Oh hi! If it isn't the midget and friends." At the height mention Koneko gets an annoyed expression so I move over and pay her head a bit looking away. "He's an idiot, don't take his words seriously." I tell her, she looks at me and nods. "Whoops I mean little lady. Forgive me, I was really looking forward to hunting down priests tonight. But all I found was a bunch of shitty Devils playing dress up." He slowly licks his card after saying this. Creepy as hell.

      "Carful of that sword, its powerful." Koneko says. "Ya it feels like the Excalibur Irina had. So it's also an Excalibur I'm guessing!" He says tossing his coat off and activating his Boosted Gear. Saji and Koneko follow by throwing there coats off. Then they look to me, noticing I have mine still on. "What? I like the color of it, plus it hides my stuff." I tell them. They raise and lower their shoulders then turn back to Freed. "Ohhh four Devils and a human. I'm so popular tonight!"

     "Don't get too overwhelmed, I'm your only opponent." Kiba yells charging at the priest. He jumps up to the roof and lunges. "Hi." Freed says before taking a stance. "It's to bad, because no matter how many of you toss yourself day me no devil is a match for this sword!" He jumps up and appears behind Kiba in the air, moving down and clashing swords with him. "Some call this the blinding speed of heaven, Excalibur Rapidly. But I call it Super Fast Sword!" He yells as they move at speeds I can only see with my eye, but just barely.

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