Chapter 23

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The host looks at Meen with a fearful look in his eyes. Meen just nods. The host runs to the back of stage. The gun now points towards Pond, which makes it painfully obvious that Mix is included in this threat.

Bam notices that one of the mercenary behind her is awfully close with a gun in his hand. She boldly stands up from her chair. The mercenary points the gun against her back. "Sit back down." He orders.

Bam calmly turn towards him with the gun pointed between her chest. She could see that his eyes are distracted. "I just want to go to the loo. Surely you'll allow me to." Bam says as she slides herself out of the chair.

The guy looks at the one in the middle, the one who initiate the stick up. "Hey, Earth. She wants to go to the toilet. Do I let her go?" He asks.

Earth nods at him, his eyes locked on Pond who is calmly looking right back at him. Bam nods her head. "Thank you, you may put your gun now. It's awfully rude to bring your gun into the toilet with me." Bam says.

Just as the guy points his gun to the floor. "Don't!" Mix yells out. Bam quickly take the opportunity and grabs onto his arm puts his against his back as she runs behind him. She grabs the gun from him and points it towards his head.

"You bitch." The guy scolds her.

"That's no way to talk to a lady." Bam says before she pulls the trigger, shooting the guy in the head. Immediately all eyes are on her. The guards points their gun at her but she is blocked by the dead body that she holds before her. "Sorry but it's better to deal with someone who doesn't struggle."

Mix let out an irritated click from his mouth. "Earth! I told you to watch out for her!" He yells out.

"She's just a girl. Nothing my men can't handle." Earth answers.

"One of men just died!" Mix yells at him.

"Tsk. Just shut up and let me do my job. You want your deed or not?" Earth scolds him, his eyes still locked onto Pond. Pond calmly takes his cup of water and takes a sip out of it. The action makes Earth slightly irritated. He doesn't seem threaten by a gun pointing towards him.

Pond looks at him with a cup in his hand. "Thirsty?"

"Pond!" Phuwin whispers loudly. Pond isn't helping calming the situation. Phuwin is afraid that things is going out of hand with the way Bam is handling things.

Bam slowly walks away with the dead body away from Meen and Duean. The other mercenaries keep their eyes on her as she moves. When Bam is far away from Meen and Duean, she points the gun to the nearest mercenary. "Put down the gun or you'll be next. You can try and shoot me but your dead friend will be my hero and take the bullet for me." Bam threatens.

"If you shoot him, I'll shoot this guy right here." Earth says. 

Meen got up from his chair and draw a gun from his back, aiming at Earth. "Well, I'm not going to tell you what I'll do if you decide to pull the trigger. If I were you, I'd put it down." Meen warns. In an instant a couple of mercenaries take aim at Meen.

Phuwin knows how much this deed means to Pond and he's already at gun point for it. He pulls out his own gun from his arm sling and aims it at Mix. "I don't want to this but I got no other choice. Tell him to take his gun off Pond right now." Phuwin says with his hands shaking.

Pond knows that Phuwin wouldn't pull the trigger. It is just an empty threat but he appreciates the effort. Mix lifts a brow at him. "Look at you. You're shaking. I doubt you'll pull the trigger but I'll bite."

Phuwin don't know what to do when he is stuck in a chain of people being stuck at gun point. He looks around and notices the host came back with the deed. He stands there, lost with the scene that he is greeted to when he came back.

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