Chapter 1

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I was sat downstairs on the sofa, scrolling through Twitter whilst waiting for the leftovers from yesterday's meal to heat up in the microwave. After a couple of minutes, it stopped and I took it out to eat, forgetting the plate would be blazing hot. I let out a silent scream and ran upstairs, bursting through my brother's door.

"Ahh! I'm streaming!" Wilbur shouts. He gets up and walks over to the doorframe, where I was standing and puts his hand on my shoulder. I mouth to him that I burnt my hand and he quickly turns and talks to his PC.

"I will be gone for a few minutes Tommy, entertain my stream for bit." I could hear a small reply, barely hearing it through my brother's headphones. It must've been one of his friends.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ TIME SKIP

I had run my hand under cold water for a couple of minutes, and Wilbur had just stood there and talked to me, helping to take my mind off the pain. He glances over at the burn.

"I think that should be okay now, you can come up to room if you want? I will be streaming for the next hour or so but you don't have to join, although I think my friends my like to meet the person that took there favourite Mr Soot away from them." He says with a small chuckle. I nod and follow him up to his room before he picks up his headset and apologises for his absence. "Would you guys like to meet my sister?" He passes the headset to me.

A loud American voice started shouting in my ears. "WHAT? THERE IS A SISTER SOOT? MANNNN YOU LYINNNNN!" I giggle and try to think of a decent reply whilst grabbing the keyboard and mouse to play Minecraft whilst talking. "WILBUR HAS A SISTER?" Another two voices say at the same time, one you recognised as Dream, the other as George.

"Wait really? I would have never of known." I look dead at the webcam and smile with a fake shocked look on my face, before glancing at discord to see all people that had just seen the great face reveal. Most looked shocked and surprised, except for one blonde boy with EXTREMELY fluffy hair that curled in front of his deep blue eyes. He seemed frozen, staring at his screen with wide eyes. I glanced over at his username. Tommyinnit. So this was Tommy? I had heard Wilbur mention him before multiple times but now, I was finally able to meet him.

"Hey Tom, I think your camera is broken, your frozen." A brunette British said with a smug grin plastered on his face.

"Huh? Oh sorry, so what's your name Sister Soot?" Tommy says, awoken from his shallow trance and going slightly pink.

"Y/n" I reply, confused at the comment the previous boy had made.

"So Y/n, or can I call you mamacita?" The same loud, American voice from earlier questioned. Wilbur began to walk over to the chair, hearing the booming question ever without the headset one.

"Quackity she is 16." He says into the microphone. You watch as who you assume was Quackity's grin faded into a frown yet the cute blonde boy that seemed to be daydreaming before was attempting to cover his small smile his hand, making me now turn red in confusion.

I spent a few minutes talking to everyone, them asking questions on Wilbur and some questions about me. I had talked mostly to a guy named Ranboo, he was really funny and made me giggle the most yet I still couldn't stop glancing over at Tommy, clearly he couldn't either. We made eye contact a few times and quickly looked away again, making Will a bit suspicious.

I had talked for about 10 minutes with all the people on discord, finally saying my goodbyes. I sat down on Wilbur's bed, plugging in my earphones and watching the stream, even though he was right there.

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