Chapter 24

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All that for him to just, not show up? I had spent hours getting ready for this? I didn't know how to feel. I had just been stood up on my first date. Wow. What would I tell Will? Although I now hated Bradley, I couldn't let Will beat him up, but damn that's what I wanted him to do. I wanted to both cry and hit him at the same time. I felt embarrassed, but it was silly. A single tear began to fall down my cheek.

I ran out of the coffee shop, feeling like everyone's eyes were on me. I just wanted to be at home, I wanted to be comforted by the people I loved the most. People that cared about me and would stand me up like that.

As I rushed down out the door, I got my phone out and began to text Wilbur.

'Hey Will, I will explain later but could you pick me up now? I am still where you dropped me off'

I sat down on a nearby bench as I waited for him to come and, as always, decided to check Twitter. Everything online had me hooked. The desire to know everything with a click, what my friends are doing, how the world is burning, the newest fashion trends. The internet raised me when nobody else would. My life was at its lowest. Each new path I made was another one that I was going down.

I sat on the bench, in the cold, for a while. It was beginning to get dark. Where was he? I checked the time. 20:12. Today really wasn't my day was it? I decided to text the person that, out of anyone, would most likely know where he be. Tommy.

'Hey, I texted Will a while for him to pick me up and it's getting dark and cold, do you have any idea where he could be?'

Sonder • Tommyinnit? Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang