Chapter 37 _ Las Gemelas

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"Amor... I... I think my water just broke." Renata said standing in the doorway of the loft. They were having Lunch with Valentina and Juliana, totally not expecting the baby to come 4 days early.

Guillermo's face turned to panic. "What! What do we do!"

Valentina grabbed her brother and told him to breathe. He needed to calm down. "We're gonna make our way down to the hospital. Thankfully it's only a couple blocks away and you're gonna help your wife deliver those beautiful babies. I will call everyone and handle everything else. You just relax and focus on Renata."

They grabbed their jackets and purses and made their way down to the garage. All the while Valentina and Juliana made phone calls to the family.

"Val, were you able to get ahold of Hope?" Guillermo asks looking in the rearview mirror as he drives and hold his wife's hand. Hope would be their photographer for such a momentous occasion. Renata had asked Valentina to be present during the birth and she didn't want her focused on taking pictures, she wanted her present and in the moment.

Valentina covered the speaker of her cellphone as she responded with a quick, "Yeah she's gonna meet us there. She's driving from campus so it shouldn't be too long." Juliana was holding Valentina's hand and rubbing relaxing circles with her thumb. Something she knew Valentina found comforting.

As they made it to the hospital, there was a nurse waiting to escort them up to the maternity wing. Renata's mother arrived soon after and was very excited to be present for the birth of her granddaughters.

Leon and Lucia made it to the hospital half an hour after the parents to be. By that time Renata was already in a hospital gown and walking down the hall with her mother and Guille on either side.

Renata having already spoken to Hope about the pictures let her do her job. She was to take candid pictures of the whole experience.

When the time finally came the only people inside the room aside from the doctor and nurse were Guillermo holding Renata's right hand, her mother to her left, Hope in charge of picture practically invisible, and Valentina was off to the right near her brother in complete awe.

It was such a surreal experience for the family. Valentina got the chance to call the birth time for both babies. Cecilia Esmeralda was born at 5:10pm and Sofia Aurora was born at 5:15pm.

After what felt like ages for a nervous Juliana, Valentina finally stepped out of the room to let the new mommy rest and meet up with her father and the rest of the family. "We have two beautiful baby girls!" She squealed as she ran to lift Juliana in an excited spin. She then walked over to her father and congratulated him on being a new grandpa.

Valentina sat in the waiting room with her arms wrapped around Juliana. She was trying to explain how surreal it was to see the births. Hope walked out, her camera in hand and she went to congratulate everyone and handed over the SD card to Valentina. She too sat in the waiting room for a bit just enjoying the feeling of happiness coming from the entire family.

Around 6pm Lizzie stopped by to pick up Hope and Valentina and Juliana walked her down to the main entrance. On their way back up Valentina, who still had her arm around Juliana as their fingers interlocked, turned to look at her girlfriend and said in a tender voice, "I didn't know it was possible to love your sibling's children this much but these two completely stole my heart. If I feel a love this deep for my nieces I can't wait to feel a deeper love for our own little ones."

Juliana simply smiled and hugged Valentina tightly. "One day you'll be the best mom in the world." She whispered as the elevator doors opened.

They made their way to the suite, it was filled with balloons and flowers to celebrate the new additions to the family. Juliana got to carry Sofia while Valentina carried Cecilia and Guille snapped a picture of the two. Juliana's left index finger has become hostage of the sleeping baby and she couldn't stop the tear that ran down her cheek.

Turning to Renata and Guillermo who were watching the two from the bed, she told them how happy she was to be a part of such a beautiful moment and how excited she was for them.

The family left a little past 8pm in order to let the new parents try to get some rest. Renata's mother would be staying with them to help out in anything they needed.

Valentina and Juliana were dropped off at the loft by Leon and Lucia so that Juliana could get her car. They drove to Juliana's apartment soon after and spent the night cuddled in each other's arms feeling such happiness that couldn't be overshadowed by anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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