Chapter 9 _ Es tu cumpleaños?!

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When Friday came around Valentina was excited because all her Friday classes had been canceled for the day due to a sudden photography department meeting. There were many updates being done to the department since they were about to get a new building and lots more equipment so it was important all professors agreed to the new changes and additions. Valentina took this as an opportunity to call her lovely girlfriend who she could now officially call hers.

"Hey babe what's up? What are you doing? Can I come over, my schedule has been completely cleared and I'd love to spend the day with you?" Valentina said as Juliana answered the phone.

"Hey beautiful, I'm not busy at all today my parents will both be working so I was just going to stay here and read. Come over." Juliana responded.

"Okay awesome because I am right outside your front door." Valentina said with a giggle.

"Omg Val. I'll go get you hold on." Juliana said with a laugh.

As Juliana opened the door her mom was walking by getting ready for work, "Hola Valentina. Are you here to keep my July company so she doesn't have to be alone on her birthday?" Lupita asked very happy with the idea.

"Uhhh, yeah. That's exactly why I'm here Ms Valdes." Valentina said shooting daggers at Juliana at the fact that she didn't mention anything at all.

"Oh please, call me Lupe. You've made my Juliana very happy since you two met and made her mood so much more bearable. Have a good day you two." Lupita said with chuckle and kissed Juliana on her forehead wishing her a happy birthday before walking out the door.

When they were finally alone Valentina pinned Juliana to the door placing both hands on either side of Juliana's head and smirked, "Juliana Valdes, why did you not tell me it was your birthday today?" She asked almost seeming offended.

"Because it's not important Val. It's just another day. I don't celebrating my birthdays anymore it's just another reminder that I'm getting older and I don't like it." Juliana said with a sigh.

"Baby you're only 18 there is nothing old about you. It's the day you were born, it's more than enough reason to celebrate. I sure as hell want to celebrate my girlfriend's existence." Valentina said.

"Girlfriend. I like the way it sounds rolling off your tongue like that." Juliana said in a dreamy tone.

"Come one we have to celebrate." Valentina said pulling Juliana onto her lap as she sat on the couch and pulled out her phone to dial Alirio's number.

Valentina had Alirio pick them up and take them to the mall. She took Juliana to her favorite shop for personalized gifts and bought her a beautiful photo album she chose to get engraved with, "JV, the most beautiful masterpiece I've ever seen." Then they headed over to Build-a-Bear Workshop and they picked out a stuffed teddy bear together and Valentina recorded a sweet message for Juliana to listen to whenever she found herself missing the other girl. Then they went to have brunch at Paris Baguette.

When they were getting to the car Valentina decided to send Alirio for some snacks and desserts to take home with her later that night. While he was away Juliana thanked her for making this such a wonderful birthday. They began to kiss and eventually that kiss turned into a make out session. Valentina felt as though Juliana had too many items of clothing and started pushing the jacket off Juliana's upper body. With each second the kiss deepened and things were heating when they heard the car beep meaning Alirio was heading to the car. They pulled away from each other and couldn't help but giggle. The girls held hands all the way to Juliana's home.

Once back inside both girls laughed when they made eye contact for the first time since the car incident.

"We weren't going to stop were we?" Valentina stated.

"I didn't want to stop." Juliana said with her face heating up at the thought of it.

"Neither did I." Valentina whispered while looking at Juliana and biting her bottom lip thinking back to that moment.

"I'm going to put on a movie and you're just gonna hold me okay." Juliana said dragging Valentina to her room trying to change the subject.

"Whatever you want birthday girl." Valentina said allowing herself to be led.

She sat on Juliana's bed as Juliana set up the movie. Valentina couldn't stop staring at her girlfriend. She was falling completely head over heels for the girl and she didn't care to stop it. She had never felt this way before and loved every second of it.

When Juliana turned around she met Valentina's eyes and she saw something she'd grown accustomed to by now, a sweet tenderness in Valentina's ocean blue eyes. It was almost as if she were the most important thing to the girl in front of her. Juliana felt her heart flutter every time she saw that look and it made her just want to cry of happiness at the thought that someone valued her presence to the extent Valentina did.

"Thank you for today. It's been very memorable." Juliana said as she sat next to Valentina.

"Don't thank me, it's my honor to spend time with you on such a special day." Valentina said taking hold of Juliana's left hand. "Now how about those cuddles while we watch this movie."

The girls snuggled into each other, Juliana being the little spoon, as they watched the movie. Halfway through the movie they drifted off to sleep. They snoozed for a good hour until Juliana heard Valentina sleep talk, "No I love her, fight me." She felt her heart fill with love for the girl holding onto her tightly. She knew it was too soon for either of them to say it but knowing Valentina felt it too was more than enough to know this was real and worth fighting for.

Soon after Valentina woke up she could tell something was different about Juliana, she had a different light in her eyes. She seemed happier. It only made Valentina want to squeeze Juliana in a tighter hug than ever before so she did just that.

"What's this for?" Juliana asked completely melting into the hug.

"I just felt like I needed to hold you as tight at possible." Valentina said pulling back to look at Juliana, "Juliana thank you for coming to my life and changing it completely. I don't even remember what it was like before you. I don't know how I went these last 18 years of your existence without having you in my life."

"No. Thank you. You've completely changed my outlook on California and the entire move and everything leading up to it seems like it was meant to happen so that I could meet such a beautiful soul like the one you have. I now believe you were right and it was destiny that brought us together." Juliana said honestly. She had come to terms with the move by now and was growing to like this city and the beautiful girl in front of her made that so much easier.

Valentina and Juliana spent the rest of the day together until 5pm when Leon called Valentina to tell her he was heading home and could pick her up if she'd like which she reluctantly agreed to. Before leaving she made plans with Juliana to meet the following week for lunch and then that Friday for their halloween date.

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