Chapter 6 _ La Mansión Carvajal

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Valentina awoke soon after the sunrise. She turned to Juliana and smiled tenderly at her and snuggled into her maintaining eye contact.

"Good morning. Thank you for keeping me calm last night. I tend to overthink everything. My mind goes to the what ifs and what will people think but now I feel better. I think." Valentina said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey I get it, but don't think of the what ifs, think of the now, live in your present because you'll never enjoy it otherwise. It doesn't matter what people think. They'll get over it." Juliana said holding Valentina's cheek.

"What time did you wake up?" Valentina said as she settled into Juliana's neck.

"Hmm... nope, I haven't slept. I couldn't." Juliana said.

"Juls no has dormido? Chiquita... you need to get some sleep. It 7am at least get two hours please. I don't want you driving like that. I mean I can drive from here to mine but I don't want to send you home on no sleep." Valentina said holding herself up with her arms in order to look directly at Juliana. It was really more of an order than a request.

"No, I can't. My mom leaves in an hour and I always make her breakfast, it's our thing. Can we go make breakfast and then I'll sleep on the way to your house?" Juliana said trying to convince Valentina by pouting.

"Okay but only because I can't refuse you anything with that face," Valentina said squeezing Juliana's cheeks and then held out her pinky for Juliana to link to, "but promise me you'll sleep on the way over please."

Juliana linked Valentina's pinky with her own in agreement and added, "Okay but wake me when we get into town so I don't get lost leaving your house."

The girls got up and made themselves and Lupe breakfast. Juliana introduced Valentina to her mom and Lupita took the opportunity to thank Val for taking care of Juliana and becoming her friend. After Lupita left, the girls did the dishes together.

"What's your favorite meal of the day?" Valentina said as she dried their plates.

"Breakfast, definitely. You know what they say, it's the most important meal of the day!" Juliana replied with a giggle.

"Well then we know who's gonna make breakfast when we move in together." Valentina said slightly blushing.

Juliana teased her with a kiss and then walked around her while smirking and saying, "que rápida me saliste!"

She loved the idea of being domestic with Valentina one day, not time soon but definitely one day.

After the dishes they each got ready to head over to Valentina's house. On their way to Placerville, as promised, Juliana fell asleep while Valentina drove. When they arrived to the first light indicating they had arrived to town Valentina woke her sleeping beauty up.

"Juls wake up. We made it to Placerville." Valentina said playing with Juliana's left hand.

As Juliana awoke she saw how many more trees there were the more they drove on the highway. Valentina decided to make a quick stop by the lookout point, telling Juliana to get out the car and leading her down past the railing to where she always sat "Juls this is my favorite place to come and think. I came her a lot after my mom passed."

Juliana looked at her as she said, "It's beautiful Val. One of the prettiest views I've ever seen." She wasn't simply talking about the view though.

Valentina caught onto what Juliana meant and leaned in to kiss her.

They stayed there for the next half our until Valentina said, "I think we should get going, it's time to show you the famous Carvajal Mansion. My dad has it very secured with guards and he's glad to live up here because not many reporters are actually willing to drive all way up here just to spy on us. I love the view so I don't really mind, it's home."

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