Chapter 25 _ Hay Que Tomar un Break

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Valentine's Day was approaching quickly and there were no official plans yet. It was the Sunday before Valentine's Day, both girls woke up early in Juliana's apartment to work on their individual assignments. Valentina had been working on the layout of the photography book she had to do for her second portfolio class. Juliana had been working on a new piece for her midterm project, it was her day off from work and though she usually spent Sundays with her parents she had other plans today.

"Hey, Val." Juliana said getting to other girl's attention.

Valentina responded with a distracted hmm.

Juliana wrapped her arms around Valentina's neck from behind as she leaned her head on the girl's shoulder. "How do you feel about taking a break? We've been working nonstop for four hours. I think we've earned it."

"A break? Right now? I'm 14 pages into this book, I could definitely use a break! Let's do it." Valentina leaning her head up closing her eyes as she leaned back into Juliana.

Juliana chuckled as she said, "Okay, let's get ready then and we'll head out."

"Wait we're going out? Where?" Valentina said she sat up curiously as she opened her eyes.

Juliana rose her eyebrows playfully as she smiled. "It's a surprise."

Valentina placed her hand on her chest dramatically. "You're really not going to tell me?"

"Nope. You never tell me so..." Juliana said winking as she shrugged her shoulders.

Throwing her head back in defeat Valentina proceeded to ask, "Ugh, fine. How presentable do we have to look?"

Juliana laughed at how pouty her girlfriend was being. "We're not going anywhere fancy Señorita Carvajal so just don't take pajamas and you'll be fine."

Valentina looked through her drawers and decided on some light blue jeans and a t-shirt she wore often on casual days that said, "more than friends" paired with her all-white chucks.

As Juliana pulled out of the apartment complex, she drove south on 65th St heading towards Stockton Blvd. "What's the best burger place in Sacramento?" Juliana asked as she turned left onto Florin Rd.

"Squeeze Inn, well now it's called Squeeze Burger, but that, to me, is the best. Though I'm bias because it was my mom's favorite burger place." Valentina said with no hesitation.

"Okay well then we'll have to go there eventually." Juliana said bringing the car to a stop. "This, is my favorite burger place in town." She said as Valentina read the name aloud, Burger Junction.

Juliana turned the car off and went around to open Valentina's door. "M'lady?" Juliana said as she offered Valentina her hand causing a giggle to erupt from her girlfriend.

They walked hand in hand as they went into the restaurant. It was a small corner shop with a few tables, all of which were full. There was a line to order and the atmosphere was friendly. There were families and teenagers all throughout the restaurant. There was a lovely elderly couple towards the back. The man seemed to be hooked onto every word his wife was speaking. Valentina felt an overwhelming sense of love throughout the restaurant causing her to lean her head onto Juliana, nuzzling into her. Juliana simply turned and gave her a kiss on the forehead and wrapped her hand around Valentina's lower back as they waited for the line to move.

"Papi, those girls are holding how you and mami hold each other." A little girl behind the couple whispered loudly causing both girls to perk their ears awaiting the man's response, tensing in the process.

"Si mija, like mami and I, they love each other. It's normal." The man said ruffling his daughter's hair.

"So girls can like girls?" The little girl said with an inquisitive smile. Her father nodded, leading her to her next excited question, "and boys can like boys?"

This brought out a chuckle from the man as he said, "yes baby."

Valentina moved her head up towards Juliana's ear to whisper a quiet 'I love you' and kissed her cheek.

They waited a few more minutes until reaching the counter. The cashier took their orders and they moved off to the side to wait for their food. As they waited a young girl from across the restaurant observed them. Juliana eventually noticed and mentioned it Valentina who looked up and smiled at the girl receiving a shy smile in return.

Once their order was ready the girls grabbed the bags and headed back towards the exit. The couple gave the shy teenager a wave as they walked out.

Inside the car, Valentina turned to Juliana who was already looking at her with a big smile on her face. "Thank you for bringing me here. I don't know what it is about this place but it's very homey and cozy."

"I thought you'd like it. I found it one day as I drove around town, before we met, and I fell in love with the place and the people who work here. Plus the burgers and fries are great." Juliana said before turning on the car. "You ready? We're going to the park to eat these burgers, baby!"

The girls spent the rest of the afternoon at their favorite park enjoying their burgers and curly fries. It was a good break from their homework which they eventually got back to before Valentina headed home.

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