Chapter 26 _ Es Un Secreto

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Valentina offered to plan their Valentine's date since Juliana would be busy with school and work that day. Juliana agreed under one condition, it'd be a chill evening.

By the time Valentina was ready to pick up Juliana she had everything planned out. This time she had Alirio drive her to pick up Juliana and take them to their first destination, dinner. She picked a quiet place that she knew would not be too crowded so they could have a conversation before continuing their adventure. She chose a quiet evening, nothing too busy or loud.

When Valentina knocked on Juliana's door she had a bouquet of 24 red roses and a bright smile. As soon as Juliana opened the door they couldn't help but laugh once they made eye contact. They both had flowers ready to surprise each other. After exchanging flowers and kissing hello, they placed their respective flowers in vases on Juliana's dining table before heading out.

"Hola, Alirio, how are you? It's been a while." Juliana said as she entered the car.

"Muy bien señorita Juliana, y usted?" Alirio responded before closing the door behind them and heading to the driver's seat.

They had a quiet ride to the restaurant Valentina picked out. Once inside Juliana was amazed at how few people there were. They went up to the counter and ordered. The cashier seemed to know Valentina, not as a fan but as someone she'd known for years. Valentina made sure to introduce Juliana before they walked away from the counter, telling Juliana that the lady was Guille's godmother and that she had been friend's with her mother for most of their lives.

As they picked a table near the far back, awaiting their food, Juliana looked at the jukebox next to their table. "Hey babe, I'll be right back okay." She said getting a quarter out of her coin purse. She walked over to the jukebox seeing only songs in Spanish. She chose a cheesy one she knew would cause a blush to grow on Valentina's face; Musica Romantica by Pancho Barraza.

Heading back to the table as the song began to play Juliana had a giant grin and a small blush on her face as she felt not only Valentina's eyes on her but the rest of the restaurant's as well.

"You got a romantic one, Vale, I like her." Doña Josefina said as she dropped off their dinner plates and drinks.

This caused Valentina to blush even harder as Juliana finally let out a laugh. "Si, doña Jose, she's definitely a keeper." She said as she smiled tenderly at Juliana.

Once the lady left they began eating their meals and talking about their day as the song played in the background. Valentina listened enthusiastically as Juliana told her about a couple of girls she met at school, beginning with a snarky girl in her History of Fashion course. The girl, Penelope, invited her to lunch after doing an in-class assignment together. They met up at the cafeteria with Penelope's girlfriend. Juliana talked animatedly about the two girls and Valentina had not made the connection to the girls until Juliana said the girlfriend's last name.

"Wait, Saltzman? Pen and Josie go to you your school? As in Josie Saltzman and Penelope Park?" Valentina questioned with a slight wrinkle of her eyebrows.

"Yeah, Josie is a cutie with brow hair and big warm eyes; Penelope a very confident yet super friendly girl? You know them?" Juliana responded curious.

"Yeah, absolutely, my best friend grew up in the Saltzman household. Josie's twin made Hope's life in that house a living hell until she eventually confessed her feelings for Hope when they were 15 and have been dating ever since. What a small world, did Josie mention her twin?" Valentina still puzzled about this turn of events.

Juliana shoot her head, no. Valentina continued, "Hope's coming back from London in a few weeks, we should all go out to dinner once she's back. I'm sure they'd all love a triple date."

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