Chapter 28 _ No Voy A Pelear En Mi Cumpleaños

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"Que quiere hacer hoy la princesa de la casa?" Lucia asked Valentina as they finished up their breakfast. It was her 19th birthday and she had no concrete plans yet.

"I'm not sure yet. I was thinking maybe a movie date with Juls after she gets out of church with her parents and then come back here for a swim, I'll invite her parents and we can have a small carne asada or something. I can bring home some cake on our way back from Sac?" Valentina said shrugging.

"Nonsense mi niña, I'll make your cake, it'll be ready by the time you come home. How do you want it?" Chivis asked while picking up their plates.

"How about how you used to make it with mom when I was little; with lots of raspberries and strawberries in the middle. Surprise me with the outside." Valentina said getting excited about her cake and the idea of sharing her birthday with Juliana and her family. After their snow trip all six of them had gotten much closer.

Lucia and Leon smiled at the idea of spending time with Juliana's parents again. "Sounds good," Leon said, "I'll go pick up the meat and everything else we'll need from Vicky's. Meet up here by 1?"

Valentina got up and hugged her father and Lucia thanking them. She ran off to her room to get ready to head over to pick up Juliana. Thirty minutes later she ran down the stairs and told her father and Lucia that she'd be back soon as she headed out.

When she arrived outside the church she found a parking spot and went to buy 4 hotdogs because it was a part of the Valdes family tradition to have a hot dog after church at the nearby park. Once the mass was over and everyone was heading out she waited with a bright smile as she waited for Juliana and her parents.

As she waited she was approached by a few people and others simply stared at her.

Once the Valdes family walked out Valentina's smile grew larger as she raised the hot dogs a bit more for emphasis causing a laugh to erupt from Juliana's lips.

"What are you doing here, birthday girl? I thought you'd be sleeping in today?" Juliana said as she approached her girlfriend.

"I wanted to surprise you. Ta-da!" Valentina said with a cheeky grin. "Oh! I bought you guys hotdogs so you don't have to go wait in that line." She said handing each a hot dog. Once she was left with just hers she was able to properly greet Juliana and her parents. They each gave her a birthday hug. She and Juliana held hands as they headed towards table the family usually sat at.

"So what do you have planned for today, mija?" Lupita asked as everyone took a seat.

"Well that's actually part of why I'm here." Valentina said with a bright smile and turned to look at Juliana who smiled back at her instantly.

"My dad is going to grill carne asada con costillas de res por mi cumpleaños and I wanted to invite you guys. It's not gonna be anything big just the family. My dad said he'd call Mr. Valdes but it's at 1pm at our house." Valentina said and finally took a bite of the hot dog Juliana always talked about.

They enjoyed their hotdogs and Valentina looked at her watch, "Oh I'm gonna steal Juls, we have a movie date!"

Juliana smiled and said, "as you wish, my love, it's your day. We have to stop by my apartment first though, I have a few things I need to get." To which Valentina gladly agreed to.

The couple said their goodbyes to Juliana's parents and went on their way.

Once inside the apartment Juliana told Valentina to sit on the couch and close her eyes. She went into her room to get three gift bags. "two of these are for you to open now and the other one you can open it at your party if you want." Juliana said leaning to give Valentina a kiss indicating she could open her eyes.

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