Chapter 12 _ Esto Es De Las Dos

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By noon they had all arrived at the Valdes residence. Juliana went in first closely followed by Valentina who was holding her by the pinky. Leon entered right behind them.

"Hasta que te dignas en llegas." Her father said emotionless.

"What were you thinking? There is no way I am going to allow this." Guadalupe said.

Juliana didn't know what to say to either of her parents as she stood there in silence.

"I'm sorry Lupe but this isn't something we could prevent, I was as shocked as you were when I found out." Leon said trying to be the voice of reason.

"No, Mr Carvajal. I'm sorry but I can't allow this. You might be my boss and that might be your daughter but I'm not going to allow her to ruin my daughter's life." Guadalupe said while turning to Valentina and Juliana's hands who were now holding one another tightly. "What did you do my daughter! Where did we go wrong with you Juliana!"

At that statement Juliana flinched and something within her changed causing her to finally respond.

"She didn't do anything, mom! This isn't about you guys! This is between the two of us! Esto es de las dos. Mom I am in love with Valentina." Juliana said standing in front of her girlfriend protectively still not letting go of Valentina's hand.

"Love? You don't even know what love is!" El Chino retorted.

"This is the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced in my entire life, I love this woman and there is nothing you can say or do to changed that." Juliana said firmly, not backing down to her parents. "Can you leave us? Por favor." She said looking back to Valentina and Leon with pleading eyes.

"We'll be right outside okay." Valentina said quietly, nodding before kissing her on the forehead understanding this was something Juliana had to do on her own.

Once the Valdes were alone Juliana's father began to yell at her. "What were you thinking bringing them here! Bringing her! What did she do to you? You're not gay!"

Juliana felt disappointed that her parents were reacting exactly like she had expected but she wasn't willing to allow them to see her break.

"You don't get to tell me what I am and am not. I may not have ever fallen in love before but it just so happens that the first person I fall for is a woman, ni modo! There's nothing wrong with what we feel. El amor no es una perversión. I love her and I will continue to feel what I feel for her without your consent." Juliana said completely sure of her words.

Not feeling content, Juliana's mother spoke throwing a low blow at her daughter. "Did you fall for her for the money? Is that it? We raised you better than that."

As soon as those words came out Guadalupe's mouth it was easy to see the pain the words caused as it flashed in her eyes and her expression softened for a quick second only for Juliana to build her walls up even higher.

"Aunque no lo crean, yo no soy idiota. I don't care about her money. I don't even care about her family being who they are. I just want her, I love her. I, am in love with her!" She said allowing herself to be angry at this situation and their reaction.

Juliana's father felt the impact of what his wife's words had done to his daughter. He noticed how she glanced at the door and he knew then and there that she felt betrayed and wanted nothing more than to flee.

In her anger, Guadalupe didn't realize what her words would do to the relationship she once had with her daughter. All she wanted was for her daughter to wake up and stop messing up the future she had planned out for her. So she continued her attack without considering the consequences. "You're gonna get away from that girl right now. I will not allow you to screw up your life por un capricho. I will not let you bring shame to this family any longer."

That was the final blow. Juliana had had enough. She knew she couldn't win this one and her demeanor showed as much. Her hard expression faltered and she slumped her shoulders in defeat.

"You think this is just me being impulsive? You think I planned to fall in love with her? You know what mom, be ashamed all you want. I'm done. I don't want to fight you and dad anymore, I'm tired. You're never going to understand. I get that now. But I'm not gonna stay here. I won't live under the same roof as someone who will only see shame in my existence. I don't need to put myself through that." Juliana said as her voice became raspier and more vulnerable.

"So what, you're just gonna leave? You're just gonna run away from your problems?" Her mother responded defensively.

"It's not like you taught me any different." Juliana said glancing back at her mother one last time as she began walking towards her room to pack up her things.

During this final exchange El Chino had been silent. He didn't want to accept that his daughter had fallen in love with another female but he too was done fighting her. He knew her well enough to know when enough was enough. She was as impulsive, stubborn, and emotional as he was. They had very similar personalities and that was probably why he didn't continue to argue. He knew once she set her heart on something she had to see it through. He understood that this was something she needed to see all the way through and would do it with or without their support.

As Juliana was packing away in her room Guadalupe turned to her anger towards her husband who was just sitting at the dinner table lost in thought.

"What are you doing? Why are you just sitting there? Do something! Don't you see she's leaving! Stop her!" Guadalupe said enraged.

"What do you want me to do? Tie her up to a chair? Beat her unconscious until she can no longer remember her own name? What do you want me to do? She's made up her mind! She's right. You and I don't understand this but that is your daughter, that is my daughter. We raised her to be who she is and be proud of it. She's not a criminal. What she feels is not a crime. I get that now. Why can't you?" El Chino said trying to make sense of everything while also trying to make his wife understand their daughter.

"What is the matter with you Chino?" Guadalupe said astonished at his sudden change of heart towards the situation.

As Macario stood up he grabbed onto his wife's arms and looked her in the eyes saying, "No. What is the matter with you?! Really? Telling her she brings shame to this family? Telling her she's a gold digger? Who are you? What kind of a mother says that? Let her go. She needs to figure this out and clearly she can't do that here. She needs space from you, from me, from this house and this city. Juliana is old enough to understand whatever the hell she's going through and I'm not willing to lose her over this!" He said surprised at his own words but feeling relieved.

In the head of the moment neither one noticed Juliana had come out her room and was standing by the hallway, getting to hear how her father defended her.

"Do you really feel that way, dad?" Juliana said searching his face for any trace that this could be a joke.

Her father turned to look at her and answered sincerely. "Yes. I don't completely agree with this because I don't fully understand it yet but I know the woman I raised you to be. I know damn well you're not a gold digger and I could never be ashamed of you." El Chino said letting go of his wife and walking towards his daughter, "I need you know that even though you're leaving with her, I respect your decision. Do whatever you have to do. We'll be here for whatever you need, but I know that right now you need to figure this out away from this and I know you think better when you're on your own but you're not alone okay. I'm here."

Juliana let a single tear slide down her cheek as she went in to hug her father. The person who she least expected to ever understand. The day she was born he vowed to protect her and even though he still didn't fully comprehend he was willing to try and that meant the world to her.

With that she gave him a look of thank you and they simply nodded at each other as he walked her to the door. Juliana didn't even bother looking back at her mother. She couldn't bring herself to do that after everything Lupita said.

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