Chapter 4 _ Porque Placerville?

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The week went by in flash. The girls stayed in touch all week and even called each other before bed two nights in a row. It was now Saturday and they couldn't be any happier to wake up and see each other.

Valentina went to pick up Juliana who gave the driver directions to where they would be eating. Before they went to pay, Juliana got them a pair of popsicles the restaurant owners make and handed one to Valentina. They headed back to the car and Valentina told her driver to drop them off on 21st St and J St.

As they walked around, Valentina took some pictures when she saw something interesting but continued with her popsicle.

"Oye Juliana, this is the best paleta, I've ever tried. Thank you. Y los tacos? Ni se diga. Great choice." Valentina told Juliana honestly.

"Thanks. I love that place. It's my favorite. I mean I don't really know any other places but I wouldn't change that for the world; they remind me of home. Anyway, I have a question. Why Placerville of all places? Everything is here in Sacramento, your family's company is here, your school is here? Why do you live in the middle of nowhere?" Juliana asked genuinely interested.

"Well, that's a great question and has an even better story. When my mom was 22 she came to California on Vacation and she was driving towards Lake Tahoe to meet some friends and thought she was lost. She stopped to ask for directions and she just so happened to ask my dad who was also on vacation and had no idea. They chatted for a bit and turns out they were both from Mexico City. They exchanged numbers and she went on her way. When she returned to Mexico City they reconnected and eventually fell in love and decided to get married. They always said Placerville would be the perfect place to raise a family so when the time came, they made the move. We've been there ever since. My dad chose Sacramento for business because it's the nearest city and it's where the state capitol resides." Valentina said thinking fondly of the story her mother used to always tell her.

Juliana smiled tenderly at Valentina, "Val that's so sweet. Tell me a little about your mom, was she as amazing as you are?"

"She was incredible Juls. I was very young when she passed but she was always so kind to everyone around her. She taught me how to use my first camera. I got my love for photography from her. One of these days you should come over so I can show you her images, we have them all around the house. Every now and then when I miss her I just sit in my room and stare at her favorite picture. When she passed it became my only outlet. She taught me so much and I just wish I could have had more time with her but I guess everything happens for a reason. She's the one that taught me to take care of everyone around me including our beloved employees. For instance Chivis, she's been like an aunt to me. I love her so much, she was there when my mom died and helped the family grieve. She became our rock and I don't know where any of us would be without her. & Alirio, that man is a saint. He's been my driver since before I can remember and he's always so protective of me. My parents knew him back in Mexico and according to Alirio, when I was born my mom called him and offered him the job saying they were going to need someone to protect their princess and they wanted that someone to be him. He's protected me as his own ever since." Valentina said finding a bench as they reached K and 13th.

As they reached the bench that said HEAR THE ART. It gave Valentina portrait idea. She told Juliana to sit there and pose. She snapped an image using the rule of thirds and having Juliana sit in front of the word HEAR and have THE ART to her left. Valentina wanted to capture the real art that was Juliana Valdes.

"Val, thank you for sharing that with me. Your mom sounds like she was great woman and mother. I'm sure she's taking care of you every step of the way. I'm glad you had a good support system." Juliana said genuinely now that they were sitting on the bench facing each other sitting crisscross apple sauce.

"My dad eventually shipped me off to Canada for a year to try and distract me. & I guess it worked, I had my fun. I met a boy named Charles who I actually lost my virginity to, we tried everything together. I'll tell you sometime Juls, I've had 3 boyfriends and honestly sex has never been what everyone says it's supposed to be like. There weren't any fireworks. Not even with the last guy." Valentina said trying to change the sad subject.

"Neta, wait so you've never actually fallen in love?" Juliana asked surprised because the girl in front of her has the biggest heart and wears it on her sleeve.

"Really. I don't know, I don't really believe in it, you know. I mean I guess it happens for some like my parents and now my dad and Lucia but I don't know. I've always seen love as a reason, an excuse really, to sell things on the 14th of September. I mean February. See I don't even know the date. If I'm honest there's probably something wrong with me. But what about you, how have your experience been?" Valentina said in a joking matter.

"Val there's nothing wrong with you. I'm sure one day you'll find someone you can be 100% comfortable with and feel everything everyone says is possible. As for me, there's not really much to tell. I've never dated anyone let alone had sex. I'm not in a rush though." Juliana said.

"Wey estas hablando en serio? No!" Valentina said laughing.

"Ya Val don't make fun of me!" Juliana said holding onto Valentina's hands.

"No babe I'm not laughing at you! You have a world of possibilities to explore! This is incredible! It's the best news I've heard all day!" Valentina said completely excited for her friend.

"Stop Val, please." Juliana said shifting her gaze to her lap.

"Don't worry, you're not missing anything." Valentina said with a smile and a giggle.

They continued on their walk down 13th and reached the capital grounds. Valentina showed Juliana around, from the Rose Garden on 15th to the state capitol and all the memorials in between. They took some pictures around there and returned back to K St. Valentina took Juliana by the hand as they walked under the interwoven trees by the IMAX and showed her Maya's Kitchen telling her it's her favorite restaurant and they must come back on a girls day just to eat there. They walked down K until they reached 7th and Valentina took Juliana around the Golden 1 Center showing her all the little details what were put into that block only the eye of a photographer could catch. She showed her the fancy hotel that was made just for the arena. Then they walked across the bridged over traffic and cut through the little shopping area to reach the tunnel towards Old Sacramento. Valentina gave Juliana a very interesting tour full of rich history and funny facts of that little town. She took her to her favorite place in all of Old Sac, Evangeline's Costume Mansion. She showed Juliana the details on all three floors and they ended up buying halloween costumes. Well, more like Valentina insisted on paying for their costumes and persuading Juliana to be Lena Luthor while she dressed up as Supergirl. By the time they were out of Evangeline's they were starving so they went over to Steamers and had a pair of burgers and raspberry lemonade. Afterwards they continues their tour and Valentina snapped images of Tower Bridge right as the sun was setting. They decided to buy tickets to the Ghost Underground Tour and Juliana scared Valentina multiple times during said tour.

As the night came to a close Valentina called her driver to pick them up outside of Candy Heaven. On their ride home Juliana agreed to visit Valentina's home that following Monday.

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