Chapter 15 _ Nuevos Comienzos

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The following morning both girls got up at 6am and decided to have breakfast where they first met.

Everyone is Placerville was used to the Carvajal family living amongst them. Valentina had been going to that coffee shop since she was a child. Her family was very loved by the local community. Enough that Valentina was on first name bases with the owners of her favorite coffee shop and they often allowed her to display her photography on both floors of their business.

This particular morning her table was not available which she found strange since she had been coming to this coffee shop for over a decade and that was always her table. When the locals at her table saw her they offered to let the girls sit but Valentina waved them off telling them it was fine. There was a new employee and clearly she had no idea that on Mondays that table was reserved for her from 6am to lunch time.

Juliana noticed how this slight inconvenience irritated Valentina and she found it adorable and hilarious how territorial she was over a table. It was a special nook so she partially understood why the girl loved it as much as she did. Nonetheless Juliana wasn't about to allow this ruin Valentina's day so she did the first thing she could think of to distract Valentina from this hiccup.

"Val, how about you show me around this place. Show me which pieces are yours. Take me upstairs and we can grab a seat near the giant painting of the elephant that I love. It's darker upstairs anyway, remember we're only here for breakfast, it's not a big deal." Juliana said looking Valentina in the eyes while holding Valentina behind the ear and rubbing it with her thumb as she tends to do to soothe the girl in front of her.

Valentina nodded in acknowledgment and allowed herself to be led up the stairway. As they ascended the stairs Valentina showed her one of the images on the wall that she captured. It was an image of the building they were standing in that she took when she was 13 years old. Kathy, the owner, had loved it and decided to frame it and has kept it up ever since. When Juliana reached the top of the stairs they were met with a beautiful window light. Juliana thought Valentina looked etherial in that lighting and in that moment she felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Little did she know Valentina was thinking the exact same thing.

"Que?" Valentina questioned with a smile directed at the girl a few steps above her.

"Que de que?" Juliana replied not breaking eye contact.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Valentina asked beginning to blush as her smile grew wider.

"Am I not allowed to look at my girlfriend? Am I not allowed to look at the most beautiful creature in this universe? At the blessing standing right in front of me in human form?" Juliana answered unashamed and with great confidence.

Valentina covered her face and began nodding her head while giggling not knowing how to respond.

"Come here." Juliana said helping Valentina up the remaining steps and hugging her as Valentina made herself comfortable on Juliana's neck which had become her favorite place.

Juliana pulled away from Valentina and walked them over to the window where a small bench was placed right below it. They sat down and stared intently into each other's eyes. Neither girl spoke; they just allowed the morning rays filter in through the window as they observed each other.

"Uhhhh sorry to interrupt but your food is ready..." The new girl at the café holding a tray with their food said, biting her lip out of nervousness knowing she was shattering a moment.

Valentina turned to acknowledge the waiter trying not to make the girl feel bad for interrupting. They decided to eat at the bench pulling it away from the window a bit so they could sit on it while facing each other. They had both gotten a turkey breakfast sandwich with a fruit smoothie. Setting the tray on the ground, they held and ate their breakfast. Valentina told Juliana that while she talked to Renata she would explore around the area and they could grab a snack afterwards.

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