Chapter 19 _ 303

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Juliana had been looking forward to the end of the week in order to go apartment hunting with Valentina. Valentina on the other hand did not want to look for an apartment for Juliana because that meant she would be leaving the loft soon. She knew and understood that Juliana wanted her independence and didn't want to rely on Valentina's money for that but the thought of Juliana leaving the loft still made her upset.

"Okay amor I have a list of a few apartments near the shop so I think we should start there. They're actually a little more economic which is great since I can't afford rent anywhere in Pocket or the downtown area." Juliana said circling her first choice with a red market.

"You know I don't like the idea of you leaving...but as long as it's not in the dangerous areas I'll be on board." Valentina said grabbing her jacket from the couch.

Juliana rolled her eyes as she got up from her chair at the table going towards the door to get the keys and proceeding to grab Valentina's hand as they walked out the door towards the elevator.

"It's south Sacramento babe, relax it's not that bad." Juliana told Valentina as she drew circles with her thumb on the hand she was holding.

Valentina turned to look at Juliana. "No offense Juls but you haven't been here long enough to see how bad it is..."

Juliana didn't argue with that fact but she had been on Florin Rd long enough to see how different it was from block to block on that street alone.

"I've lived in the south since I arrived Val, I lived right by the tracks and Burbank High, so I think I've got a pretty good idea. 65th St. & Stockton Blvd don't seem as bad as where my parents live so I think I'll be okay babe." Juliana said trying to relax the situation.

As the girls got in the car Valentina continued. "Juls you really don't have to go though we can just stay at the loft. Together."

Juliana smiled at the thought and at Valentina's pouty face.

"Baby you know I love you and I love living with you but I think this is something I have to do. I appreciate your dad and Lucia letting us, letting me, stay there but I don't want to take advantage. Plus that's your family's loft for when they need to stay in the city so I don't want to make things uncomfortable for them by being there. I don't want to overstay my welcome." Juliana said as she pulled out of the parking lot.

Valentina had not realized just how serious Juliana was about this and how being there was affecting her, until now. "Hey, no, Juls it's not overstaying your welcome. My dad doesn't mind and neither does Lucia. Don't feel like that, please. I know my sister has made you uncomfortable and has said you don't belong but you do, you belong with me. I know you are not trying to take advantage of me and I know you don't see me like the rest of the world, as this naive kid that doesn't know any better. You see me for who I am and I trust you."

Juliana parked next to the rose garden on 15th and turned the car off in order to talk with Valentina face to face. "I know they don't mind but I do. I don't like feeling like everyone thinks I'm using you for a place to stay because I'm not... I love you and I respect you so much. I don't want this to interfere with how things are going between us. I love you Valentina, I really do and I don't want to mess this up." Juliana finished looking down at her lap feeling completely vulnerable in the moment.

Valentina gently placed her index finger under Juliana's chin lifting it in order to meet her eyes. "Hey. Look at me Juliana. I love you. If this is really what you want and need to do then let's do it. I know you're really independent but sometimes you have to let yourself be cared for a little more okay. I want to take care of you. Not in a 'sugar daddy' type of way but genuinely take care of you as the girl who loves you and wants your well-being."

Juliana gave Valentina a small smile and said, "Gracias amor por entender y cuidarme." Followed up by, with a playful smirk, "& while I'm not looking for a 'sugar daddy' you would definitely be my first choice because damn have you seen yourself." She said trying to lighten the mood.

Valentina let out a laugh as she threw her head back. "Only you can go from a deep conversation to that."

The girls shared a laugh as Juliana turned her Mustang back on and began driving once again. Valentina connected her phone to the car's stereo and began playing Thinking Bout You by Frank Ocean. Both girls sang along to Valentina's song choices as they held hands.

When they arrived to the first apartment complex they received the tour of the location and were shown apartment options and price ranges. After looking at about 5 apartment complexes Juliana found one that she truly liked and felt comfortable in. It was on the corner of 47th Avenue and 65th St in what seemed as a calm area with not much traffic. It was perfect. They began the process of applying to see if she qualified and after two hours she was approved and given the key to her new home. Apartment 303 on the east side of the property.

As the girls walked to the two room apartment Juliana smiled in excitement at the knowledge that this little apartment was hers and she could decorate it as she pleased.

Once inside the empty apartment Valentina picked Juliana up and spun her around before setting her back on the ground and leaning her forehead against Juliana's saying, "I'm so proud of you baby. When you set your heart on something you do it and you've done it with this. 303 is yours. All yours to do with it as you please, make it as you as possible."

"Gracias mi amor. 303 is mine, I still can't believe it. I qualified on my own... I've only been working for like a month... This place has like no restrictions. It's like it was meant to be mine. I think it's time we go shopping. I heard the Sears on Florin is closing, we should go check it out, see what deals we can get." Juliana said as she sat on the kitchen counter that was behind her.

Valentina walked forward in order to stand between Juliana's legs and held onto the girl's hips as she began talking. "You do have really good credit and make almost double the minimum wage so that definitely helped. Now come on let's go snag those deals." She said as she began pulling away.

Juliana wrapped her arms around Valentina's neck pulling the girl back towards her. "Hold on." She said as she pulled Valentina in for a kiss. They kissed for a while before finally deciding to head to Sears.

Once in the store they ran into Juliana's father who was shopping for work jeans. He was told the news of the new apartment and he offered to buy Juliana her bed, the sheets & blankets, and the bathroom towels. Juliana refused at first but Chino insisted until she agreed. They shopped until closing time and by then they had picked out quite a few things for the apartment. They left satisfied and with a date set for the bed to arrive. Juliana invited her father to see the new apartment the next day for dinner with her and Valentina.

The following day Juliana went to a furniture store near her job and picked out a dining table for her new apartment and placed her order. Then she headed to Walmart to pick up a foldable table and foldable chairs for the dinner she had planned with her father and her girlfriend. On her way home she stopped by to a local Chinese restaurant to get their dinner.

As she began setting the table while waiting for Valentina who was going to come help her set up an hour before her father's arrival there was a knock on the door.

When Juliana opened the door she could not believe who it was.

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