Chapter 22 _ Bailamos o que morrita?

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"I pulled some strings and got us last minute reservations at Rio City Cafe for later tonight, babe. We'll leave your place at 5:30 to make it by 6, watch the New Years fireworks on the balcony near the heaters and then at 9 after the fireworks we'll be called to the table for dinner. Then before midnight I wanna take you to Tower Bridge for a surprise." Valentina told Juliana over the phone. It was New Years Eve and while Juliana worked Valentina had spent the previous weeks preparing a song for Juliana and she wanted to sing it tonight.

"Okay, well since you already have it all figured out I'll eat a bit when I get home and get ready for when you come pick me up babe. I love you thank you." Juliana said sighing in relief at Valentina had everything set up.

Val smiled and giggled, "Wait, you're not gonna question me about the surprise?"

"Nope. I know you're not gonna tell me so why bother. I'm sure I'll love it. I've loved all your surprises thus far, there's no reason why I shouldn't trust you with this one." Juliana said calmly.

"I love you Juliana Valdes." Valentina said smiling at Juliana's words and calm voice.

Juliana smiled on the other end. "& I love you Valentina Carvajal."


When the evening rolled around Juliana was ready and waiting for her girlfriend to come pick her up for their first New Years together. This was all new to her but she knew she was lucky to have such a romantic partner as Valentina. She never thought she'd find love in California nor that that love would come in the form of a beautiful blue eyed Latina.

As soon as she heard Valentina's usual knock she grabbed her coat and her wallet walking over to the door.

"Amor, why don't you just use your keys? I gave them to you for a reason ba—" When Juliana looked up it was not Valentina at the front door. "Eva what are you doing here?"

"Just happened to be in town and wanted to see where my little cuñadita lived." Eva said with a cunning smile and a tone that told Juliana she was not here on good terms as usual.

"Que queieres Eva. Your sister is about to pick me up so I don't have time for whatever little game you have planned for today. So whatever it is, spit it out and go. I'm done putting up with you, I love your sister and nothing is gonna change that so just get over yourself and get used to it because I'm not going anywhere." Juliana said closing the door behind her.

Eva smirked. "So what you're not gonna let me in?"

"No, Eva, I'm not. So either say what you're here to say or just leave please. I don't have time for this." Juliana said standing with her arms crossed defensively as she leaned against her front door.

Eva just shrugged her shoulders and began to speak. "Whatever, I just came to warn you to be careful. My sister might say she loves you but she has someone else on the side. Some girl named Lauren, she's always at the house and they're very touchy feely. Sort of like you when you first started coming around. I think she's bored of you and found a new play date. Be ready to get replaced." She smiled evilly at Juliana, looking for a reaction. When she saw the hurt flash through Juliana's eyes she knew her job was done and walked away.

"I don't believe you." Juliana called out.

"You don't have to. I know what I saw and your reaction is enough for me to know you had no idea. Bye, cuñadita." Eva said not bothering to turn around and look at Juliana while waving her goodbye with a satisfied smirk on her face.

Valentina arrived shortly after to find Juliana opening her door. When she saw Juliana she ran to her after seeing Eva's car.

"Juls! You okay? I just saw Eva leaving. What did she do?" Valentina said stopping Juliana from closing the door behind her.

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