Chapter 21 _ Feliz Navidad

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December felt like it flew by. Juliana was settled into her apartment. She had a queen sized bed in her room and very comfortable couches in the living room. She and Valentina painted the entire apartment white once she received permission from the management. The white allowed the lights to bounce off the wall creating a brighter effect to the usually dim rooms. The spare room was used as Juliana's office for any and all of her fashion work.

Christmas season had arrived and the Valdes family was going to celebrate Christmas Eve together at Juliana's apartment. The Carvajal family were going to celebrate in the Sacramento loft per Leon's request. He said it would be easier for Valentina to get to Juliana's before midnight and much safer to make the 15 minute drive than the hour drive.

Valentina had returned back to the Carvajal mansion officially but spent many nights with Juliana instead of heading home. Alirio takes ever December off so Valentina had been driving herself to and from Sacramento. Mid December was finals season and Valentina had been stressing about her general ed finals so Juliana volunteered to help her practice and memorize things before the finals. They would stay up studying after she got off work and if it was passed 10pm, Juliana didn't allow Valentina to drive home so late so she convinced her multiple times to stay over. The first few nights Valentina protested but eventually it became their favorite routine. Valentina and Juliana were a great team especially in the art department. Their collaborative photos had come out amazing earning a spot on the RS Gallery at the University for the following semester. Once the semester was over Valentina spent many week nights at Juliana's and went to work with her with Renata's approval.

Now that it was Christmas time the girls decided they would spend the dinner with their respective families and once the clock struck 11 they would meet at Juliana's to exchange their gifts.

The Valdes family did not usually do gifts for Christmas. It was just a family dinner and a movie marathon before midnight and once midnight arrived everyone called it a night. But tonight would be different. Juliana's parents had been invited to the Grupo Carvajal company party so once the dinner ended they headed over to the party knowing Valentina would soon arrive to keep Juliana company.

The Carvajals on the other hand were used to having dinner, play board games afterwards and once the clock stuck 12 exchange half of their gifts. They were a very competitive family and always had intense game nights. This particular Christmas they decided to play Sequence with a twist, for every game Valentina won she would be able to open one of her gifts and for every game she lost she had to drink a shot of the eggnog that she hated. It would be the first Christmas Eve without her there to open gifts so they wanted to be together when she did open them and this was a fun way to do it.

While she waited for Valentina, Juliana started her own movie marathon, she started with Anastasia because that was always a must-watch since it was her favorite movie. Followed up by How The Grinch Stole Christmas and when Valentina finally arrived she was halfway through Home Alone.

"Wow. That top looks beautiful on you..." Juliana said as she opened the door and found Valentina in a blouse she made for her. "You look beautiful."

Valentina let out a small giggle as her grin grew. "Can I come in? I come bearing gifts." She said holding a few bags and gift boxes.

"That beautiful smile is the only gift I need tonight. You are breathtaking." Juliana said opening the door wide enough to let Valentina through.

A blush began to spread across Valentina's face at the way Juliana was looking at her. It was a look of love, adoration, and something else she wasn't quite used to yet but loved nonetheless.

"So what are we watching, chiquita." Valentina said sinking into the couch that she loved so much.

"You." Juliana whispered before snapping out of her trance. "I mean, uh... I'm watching Home Alone but it's basically over so we can watch whatever you want now." She said handing Valentina the remote control.

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