Chapter 11 _ La Tormenta

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"La tormenta dejara daños irreparables en el corazón..." - La Tormenta by Aventura


It was the first of November. Neither girl could have seen the storm that was about to hit. They had spent the night at the Carvajal loft in midtown. Neither one thinking this would be the day everything would change. They had fallen asleep more in love than ever. They watched scary movies until they both fell asleep holding onto each other. Neither thinking the real nightmare on L St was about to begin.

When the girls awoke both of their phones had over 100 missed calls, voicemails, and texts from their families and people from the media.

Guille's message to Valentina was brief but protective, "Vale I don't know what you just got yourself into but please be careful. If you need me to go pick you up call me."

Guadalupe's on the other hand just said, "Come home NOW. We need to talk." She had weekends off so she was waiting for her daughter to come home.

"What happened, why is everyone freaking out?" Juliana said running a hand though her hair and looking to Valentina for answers.

"You were right... someone was following us last night... they snapped this picture of us kissing right after we left the restaurant..." Valentina said trying to seem calm for Juliana's sake but doing a horrible job at it. They had just been outed to the world.

"What are we gonna do?" Juliana said as her eyes filled with tears and what was more than evident, fear.

"Juliana, I need you to breathe. We knew this could happen, I am a public figure. We're going to be okay." Valentina tried to reassure Juliana.

"WE did not know this. We... who is we... I had no idea this could even happen!" Juliana said in full panic mode.

"Baby. Juls. Please, calm down. We need to think our next moves through..." Valentina said.


"Mira Juliana... calm down... it's done, there is nothing we can do to reverse that now. I am willing to fight whoever I need to fight just to be with you. I agree, it's not the right time and this is not how I wanted this to happen but it did and now we have to face this together. I need you need to hear me out, now. I love you Juliana Valdes. You are the woman that I love. I need you to breathe. Let me fix this. Please." Valentina said softly.

"Val... what are my parents gonna say?" Juliana said allowing herself to cry into Valentina's shoulder.

"It's okay baby. We'll cross that bridge when we get there okay. Right now I need to make a few phone calls to make sure we can leave safely. Okay. I need you to relax chiquita." Valentina said rubbing Juliana's back in circles and running her fingers through her girlfriend's hair.

After a few phone calls Valentina made arrangements for Guillermo to come get them and take them to her father. Juliana had calmed down enough to get herself together. Valentina said she would later send for Juliana's car.

"Chiquita, I'm sorry. How can I make this easier for you? How can I help?" Valentina said caressing Juliana's cheek.

"I'll be okay Val. Together, you and I are stronger together. We'll get through this." Juliana said allowing herself relax into Valentina's arms trying to believe her own words.

"Esa es mi niña." Valentina said as her phone began to ring indicating her brother was outside. "Ready? We have to go..."

"No... but I don't really have an option do I?" Juliana said with a faint smile.

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