Chapter 16 _ Hoy Es El Dia

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A few weeks into the month the girls had gotten into a busy routine. Juliana with work and her portfolio while Valentina was busy most afternoons shooting in the studio. For the most part the girls saw each other in the evenings when they each arrived home. They decided to stay at the downtown loft making it easier for Juliana to get to and from work.

Juliana's presentation was set for the Monday before thanksgiving so as the holiday approached her stress peeked. Valentina had made sure Juliana was eating properly since she would spend most of the evenings trying to perfect her designs.

In the past weeks since they moved into the city Juliana had kept in touch with her father and he made sure she had everything she needed to prepare for school. He was completely on board with her decision to take control of her life and do what her heart desired which was to be a designer. He had gotten a better paying job and they were now getting enough money to support themselves and be able to save up. Chino decided to set aside money for Juliana in case she ever needed it. They had also spoken about getting Juliana her own apartment the following month. Her mother had yet to speak a single word to her but her father continued to tell her to keep her hopes up reiterating that hope is always the last thing to die.

As the day of the presentation came Juliana prepared all her designs both on paper and the physical ones. She decided to wear one of her pieces in order to feel more relaxed on the day of.

"Today is the day babe, you ready? I'll drive you because I know you're nervous and I want to be there for you when you come out." Valentina said as she served the two of them breakfast.

Mondays were her days off so she made sure to wake up early on this particular one in order make sure Juliana ate something before leaving. They had become very accustomed to each other and they learned to take great care of one another without having to speak out when words were not necessary.


"Welcome, what are you presenting today?" A man in a black Gucci suit asked Juliana.

"I am presenting 13 of my best sketches and 5 handmade pieces." Juliana said confident in her work.

A ginger woman next to the man looked Juliana up and down, as Juliana stood next to her work, and asked, "Who are you wearing?"

Juliana stood up straighter and answered, "This is an original piece. I made it myself."

The woman nodded her head and wrote something on her notes.

After a few more questions from the round table, Renata finally spoke and asked, "Why would you like a spot in our academy and why do you deserve it?"

The question caught Juliana off guard but she instantly knew how to respond.

"I would like a spot in this academy's first batch of students because I believe in its message and the direction it wants to head. I believe this can be the beginning of the change the owner wants to make in this city. I think I would be a great candidate because I am dedicated to my craft and ready to face any challenges thrown my way. I've always had to problem solve my way through every piece I've made and I think my persistence can be useful for this academy as well as my perspective. I have been in love with fashion and design since I was a little girl and have always know this is what I was meant to do. It's a goal I've actively been working towards since the age of 10 despite my parents not supporting this dream." Juliana said passionately.

The round table wrote down their thoughts and ratings to Juliana's work before thanking Juliana for her presentation saying they would let her know in the following weeks.

Off she went with the hope in her heart that this would work out for her. She had grown to love this city and the people who helped her fall in love with it, including Renata. Juliana knew Valentina thought she already had this in the bag but she did't want to slack off. She wanted to earn her place, not just get it because she is dating Renata's sister in law. She had worked her butt off to get to where she is today and that was not about to change just because she was dating someone with influence.

After the presentation Valentina took Juliana out for lunch at Crepeville down the street from the loft. They hadn't been out in a while and Valentina insisted that it was time to celebrate. Her gallery was coming up and she wanted to celebrate both of their recent accomplishments. Life had been hectic lately and they agreed that they deserved a break and lunch was a great way to start.

"How are you feeling post your amazing presentation?" Valentina asked as the girls sat outside at a table waiting for their lunch.

Juliana smiled and responded, "I'm actually feeling really good. I feel like I've worked hard for this and I gave all my answers honestly so even if I don't get it at least I know I gave it my best."

Valentina gave Juliana a look that told Juliana there was no doubt about her getting into the school, before deciding to speak her thoughts instead. "Juls. We both know you're in. Why do you keep expecting the worst? Be more positive about life and just everything. It stresses me out how little credit you give yourself."

Juliana laughed as she listened to what Valentina was saying which only caused Valentina to continue.

"No Juliana, I'm serious. Sam Walton once said, 'If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.' And I need you to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. More than I believe in you. What you tell yourself matters. How you speak to yourself about yourself matters. I need you to believe in your potential. You are amazing at what you do. Every design you've turned into a reality has been incredibly beautiful and I'm positive they saw that as well. I see the fire with which you work and talk about design and fashion, it's what you love and I love that about you. Your passion is what will land you that spot. Your passion is what will bring out the best in you and consequentially bring out the best in your work." Valentina told Juliana very passionately so she could understand what she truly meant.

Juliana couldn't help the huge smile that was now on her face. She felt every word that the woman in front of her was trying to get her to comprehend. She gave Valentina an adoring look while they made eye contact before speaking.

"I don't know how you always know what to say but I love you and I appreciate you. Everything you do, you do out of love and it's incredible. Thank you. For not only believing in me but for fueling my soul with your beautiful words. Gracias, amor." Juliana said as she took hold of Valentina's hand as they interlocked their fingers.

They had a lovely lunch filled with more encouragements from Valentina. Both girls had grown much closer in the past weeks. It was incredible the way they looked after each other. Juliana allowed herself to be cared for and tried to return that love and that nurturing sentiment by double when it came to Valentina. She felt safe and loved and like she belonged, something she hadn't felt in years, so she was very appreciative and protective of the woman she was lucky enough to love and care for.

The girls had been completely honest about their feelings and held nothing back from each other. They knew exactly where they stood with each other and had established a very healthy relationship. It was a beautiful partnership that grew stronger with each day that passed.

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