Chapter 8 _ El Parque Secreto

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It was finally Wednesday and Juliana had already prepared their picnic basket. She was waiting for Valentina outside the photography building.

"Took you long enough woman!" Juliana said with a chuckle as she hugged Valentina.

"I had my nutrition midterm remember. I was one of the first to finish though so don't complain." Valentina said as she put on her sunglasses. "Where are we off to anyway?"

"I told you, it's a secret. I found it by accident and have gone there ever since when I need to think. I actually went and made a few designs there yesterday after my appointment." Juliana said as she drove to her spot.

"Oh yeah how did that you? Also can you show me your new sketches when we get there?" Valentina asked smiling at the fact that Juliana loved to sketch and make her own clothes. "So that story yesterday, you've never been shopping for clothes?" Valentina asked genuinely curious.

Juliana laughed, "It went well as far as I know but get my results in two weeks. & of course I've shopped for clothes before Valentina! It's just at the time we couldn't afford it. But now I make my own clothes and pair them with stuff I buy. I try to wear something mine every day."

"Really? Which piece of this outfit is yours?" Valentina said scanning Juliana's body with her eyes.

"I don't have it on you creep! Jaja it's in the back seat, see that denim jacket, I made it." Juliana said with a shrug and reaching into the back seat to grab the jacket and hand it to Valentina.

"Oh my god, Juls. This is beautiful. I love it!" Valentina said amazed at Juliana's talent.

"Really? Thank you." Juliana said blushing. "We're here."

"This park is pretty big!" Valentina said. "Take me to your favorite spot."

Juliana grabbed Valentina's arm and they walked over to the circle with the 12 trees around it. "This is it. I love it, it's so quiet and secluded here. I have a surprise for you." She said pulling a rapped gift out of her bag.

Valentina unwrapped her present pulling out a blouse. "Oh my god... Juliana I love this. Did you make it?" She asked as she looked at all the beautiful detail Juliana put into making it.

"Yeah I did, I wanted to thank you for encouraging my craft from the very first day we met." Juliana said in a tender tone.

"I love it Juls, thank you." Valentina said setting it aside to embrace Juliana in a hug.

There's something else that I think you'll like but the path there is a little sketchy, don't know if you'd be down." Juliana told Val.

"What could be more sketchy than bringing me to lonely park, let's go?" Valentina laughed.

"Val. Many things!" Juliana said with a chuckle, "you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm not a chicken." Valentina said confidently.

"Okay pues follow me." Said Juliana as she took Valentina to a bicycle path across from the park. That path led to 4 tunnels that run under freeway 99.

Valentina began to feel nervous as they approached the tunnels, "Are you sure we can go in there? Won't the freeway like fall on us or something?"

Juliana let out a loud laugh, "What? No! What the hell Valentina?" Stopping right before the opening to the tunnels she turned to look Valentina dead in the eyes, "Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do." Valentina said.

"Okay," Juliana said as she held Valentina's hand leading her through the tunnel. They saw a lot of graffiti but two things that caught their eyes were a drawing the grim reaper to their left and an image of the virgin Marry to their right. Almost as if it were protected by both good and evil.

Valentina felt relieved when they reached the other side and had to let herself adjust to the light again.

"This is what is on the other end. Another park. The path continues from here all the way to a middle school. It's quite interesting. When I found this place with all it's secrets I grew inspirations of a few pieces I've created." Juliana said as she pulled Juliana towards a round wooden bench. "I love to sit here and see all the hearts carved into the bench. It's cheesy but it's very cute."

"I love it, thank you for bringing me here. I love knowing that even with your reluctance to be here in Sacramento you've found a place that you can consider your little safe haven when things get too much." Valentina said honestly.

"Yeah, that's actually part of why I brought you here." Juliana said grading both of Valentina's hands and she shifted her body in order to face the girl beside her.

"It's my favorite place in this entire city, it's where I can feel completely free and I wanted to share it, with you. I don't know about you but I don't want to see other people in any romantic capacity. I only want you. So here in my secret hideout I'd like to know... Valentina Carvajal, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Juliana said not once breaking eye contact.

"Oh my god, yes! Claro que si Juliana!" Valentina said throwing her arms around Juliana's neck and snuggling her face into Juliana's neck.

"Si?" Juliana asked still shocked that she had the guts to actually go through with her plan.

"Si." Valentina whispered pulling away to look at Juliana. "You don't know how bad I want to kiss you right now."

"Then why don't you?" Juliana whispered back. As soon as the words left her mouth she was met with Valentina's soft sweet lips.

Eventually they walked back through the tunnel and reached the original park and had a very romantic picnic. On their way back to the university Juliana decided to give Valentina the jacket she had made saying it would look better on her. They agreed that this would be their first official date. The first of many.

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