Chapter 35 _ Te Entrego Las Llaves

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The holidays had come and gone and the girls were each midway through their spring Semester. This semester was a bit hectic for Juliana and her classmates with the competition coming up in a few months. Nonetheless she made time for Valentina's birthday. This semester she had Tuesdays off which fit perfectly with Valentina's birthday. She had switched shifts with Andrea for that day and she spent the better part of the morning putting the finishing touches on her gift while the boutique was empty. Once her shift was over she wrapped her present and made her way to the university. Valentina's class was about to end and she wanted to be there waiting for her to take her to lunch.

Hope shot her a text saying class was done and they would be heading downstairs within the next five minutes. After reading the message Juliana took out her bouquet of 20 pink roses and put on her sunglasses as she leaned against her Mustang waiting for the birthday girl.

Once she reached the doors, Valentina's smile grew. She hugged Hope goodbye and jogged towards her girlfriend. Juliana set the flowers on the roof of her car just in time to catch Valentina in her arms.

"Happy birthday morrita!" Juliana said as she spun the girl around before setting her down. "These are for you." She said as she reached for the flowers.

"Damn, V! Where can I get me one of those!" A class mate yelled playfully to which Valentina simply raised her middle finger without turning back before leaning in to give her girlfriend a kiss.

"They're beautiful thank you." Val said bring the bouquet up to smell it. "I thought you had work this evening."

"Drea agreed to switch so I could spend the day with you." Juliana said with a shrug of her shoulders.

Valentina smiled, "good because I was gonna go bug you at work." She said with a cute wink.

"Let's get outta here." Juliana said opening the door for Valentina.

Once inside the car Valentina felt curious as to where they could be going but knew that Juliana wouldn't tell her so she simply went with the flow. She hadn't expected to be picked up by Juliana but she was more than glad to spend the day with her.

Upon arriving to a cute French pastry shop Juliana went around and opened the door for Valentina. "M'lady" she said offering a hand to the girl in her car.

Valentina smiled knowing exactly where they were and knowing exactly what she was going to order. "How do you know me so well?" She said holding Juliana's hand as they made their way to the door.

"I couldn't let you turn 20 and not let you get 20 macaroons of your choice. Plus this is my excuse to have the delicious macaroon rose. Aaaaaand I might have ordered a few things to go." Juliana said with an exaggerated playful smile.

Making their way inside the girls went to the pastry counter and order their goodies along with their meals. Juliana paid and they walked to one of the tables with a comfy couch. They had gotten quite a bit of pastries so they decided to get one of the bigger tables to fit everything.

"Thank you for picking me up today, you've just made today so much better." Valentina said earnestly.

"I know birthdays are a bit hard for you sometimes," Juliana said taking Valentina's hand in hers across the table. "I wanted to spend a few hours with you before we head over to the loft with your family." She said bring the girl's hand close enough to place a kiss on it.

They spent the rest of their lunch talking and poking fun at each other. After their lunch Juliana returned to the counter to pick up her order she had placed for the party later and they headed out. Juliana drove the two of them to her apartment. She told Valentina to go ahead and open the door while she got the pastries down to put them in the fridge.

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