Satan and Twink : P1

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Barry Allen walked into the precinct and started making his way over to the stairs.

"This is a precinct, aren't you supposed to be able to help? Is t that your job?" A familiar sounding voice was heard echoing through the precinct. Barry could swear he'd heard that voice before but it was probably just someone he heard randomly in the city so he thought nothing of it.

"Hey, Baby face." One of the detectives greeted.

Barry rolled his eyes playfully and kept walking. He saw the woman who was shouting. His gaze lingered as he kept walking until he ran into someone, falling down.

"Oh, sorry." He quickly apologized only to see his foster dad, Joe standing there.

"You alright, Barr?" He asked, seeing the boy was distracted.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He quickly stood and walked at a brisk pace up the stairs but not before Santana saw a glimpse of his face.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." She mumbled as she ditched the person at the desk and ran up the stairs after her old high school enemy. When she was upstairs she slowly walked around, peeking into a few rooms before she saw the form of the one she was looking for. The one she so despised. She burst through the door, causing Barry to jump and roll his eyes at the sight of Santana.

"Hey, Twink." She greeted without a smudge of actual happiness in her voice.

"Satan." He greeted, his voice showing he wasn't in the mood for this.

"What are you doing? Stealing something? That's the kind of thing I'd expect from dirt bags like you." She said in disgust.

"Shut it, Shequira." He snapped dangerously.

"Or what, Fievel? You gonna slushee me?" She shot back.

"Don't test me."

"Hey!" A new voice snapped. Both people looked towards the door to see a black man in a suit. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Andrew McCarthy here was probably stealing something." Santana informed the man with a smug look on her face.

"You don't know anything, Shequira." Barry retaliated. It was obvious that Barry was frustrated and angry.

"Barr!" Joe snapped, stopping him from saying anything more.

"Now, miss...."

"Santana Lopez" Santana supplied the detective.

"Detective Joe West." Joe informed her.

"Your finally going to pay, Twink." Santana said smugly.

"First off, who gave you permission to enter the lab, Miss Lopez?" Joe asked her, his voice letting them know he was serious.

"No one. I just followed him to make sure he wasn't going to steal anything." Santana gestures to Barry, who seemed rather annoyed.

"What makes you think that he'd steal something?" Joe questioned.

"Because it's Smythe." She reasoned. "He's evil."

"Says you, Satan." Barry snapped again but Joe gave him a look and he shut up.

"Now I don't know what happened between the two of you, but he has access to these labs and-"

"What?" Santana cut him off, confused.

"I work here." Barry informed her, annoyed.

"Sorry. How did you of all people get a job in law enforcement?" She asked in disbelief.

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