Captain Carter (PeggySous)

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Written for day one of Peggysous Week 2021, hosted by fandomsandxfiles (@peggysousweek on Tumblr). Thanks Tori! Love you loads ❤️❤️❤️ (Also ahhhhhh let's please pretend I posted this yesterday, for the ACTUAL first day of Peggysous week)

Day One Prompt: AU's or tropes

Specific Prompt: AU where Peggy took the serum instead of Steve, inspired by Disney's "What If" series coming in August!

Summary: Daniel's being assigned to a mission oversees to work as an SSR liaison to a British officer. He's not the happiest with Jack for sending him across the ocean, but that might change when he meets the woman he'll be working with. Captain Peggy Carter is ready to punch out the next man who underestimates her, and has told the Colonel that she WILL NOT get stuck with another fool who only slows her down. Fortunately for her, Daniel Sousa is on the way, and he's a standout among his peers in the 1940s.


"Sousa! Get in here!"

Daniel sighed heavily and pushed back from his desk, walking slowly to lean on the door to the Chief's Office. Ever since Jack had been promoted, he'd been insufferable.

"What do you want, Jack?" asked Daniel.

"That's Chief Thompson, to you."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say Jack. Now please tell me you called me over here for something actually important, and not just an ego boost?"

Jack glared, but gestured for Daniel to take a seat across from him anyway. Daniel did as instructed, gently closing the door behind him first, then fixing Jack with an intense stare.

"Alright Sousa, I've got some good news for you."

"By all means, share. I'm absolutely dying to hear it."

"I've got a special assignment for you, Sousa," said Jack, reaching into his desk and pulling out a big file. "The SSR needs someone to go to Europe and function as our liaison with an English agent. This agent managed to destroy a lot of Hydra bases during the war, but some are still standing, and that means a lot of dangerous, highly unique technology is still in play. You're going to go over there and make sure we're the ones dealing with the technology when the Hydra bases are taken down."

"And why me?" asked Daniel, raising an eyebrow at Jack as the chief spun the file around to face Sousa. He flipped it open, revealing a picture of a woman wearing a blue, red, and white uniform. She carried a shield with the Union Jack stamped on it, and the name on the file underneath the picture read: "Peggy Carter. Alias: Captain Carter."

"Because I can't go myself. And... you're the only agent I have that could actually handle working with a highly ranked English special agent that's a girl."


The next morning, Daniel woke up and made it to the airport before the sun was up. He grabbed a coffee before getting on the plane, but even that wasn't enough to keep him from passing out on the long flight over. He only woke up as the plane was landing, jolted awake by the wheels bouncing off the tarmac.

"Welcome to London! Thank you for flying with us," said the stewardess with a bright smile as Daniel headed off the plane. He nodded to her, still not completely awake yet.

Daniel dragged his bag into the terminal, then started scanning the crowd for the person he was supposed to meet. It didn't take him long to see someone in a military uniform waiting for him, holding a sign reading "Daniel Sousa" for extra clarity.

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