I Am Burdened (Loki Laufeyson)

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Request: Loki was always misunderstood, he didnt want to cause harm, (basically hes a big kid!) he just wanted some fun. I think it would be awesome if you could make a one shot from his point of view and maybe how he perceived the events of New York and things after that (it would be interesting considering he was being controlled by thanos at a time). Maybe cannon divergent - something that happened before New York? A guy he met ;)? Or after end game? Something angsty would be awesome but something fluffy would be just as good if not better??? I cant decide. Honestly I just love everything to do with Loki!

Summary: I combined this into one big fic (seriously, my longest yet!) and went with Loki's POV during the battle of New York and then what happens right after. Canon-divergent from when Loki gets shot off his Chitauri chariot by Clint. Little bit of angst, little bit of fluff, little bit of humor, little bit of romance. Loki is dealing with the Battle of New York and seeing the irreparable damage he's causing the city (and his relationship with his brother) when he gets the sense knocked out of him. A handsome Midguardian cop comes to his rescue.


"Look at this! Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?"

I stared out at the Midguard city of New York as it burned, locked in a fight with my brother. I had done this. It didn't feel real; how had I gotten to this point?

This was far beyond mischief.

I wanted to listen to my brother, to do something about the madness he spoke of, but the pounding in my head was unbelievable, and any time I tried to find a solution it doubled in its intensity.

"It's too late," I panted, tearing the words from my body. The statement felt more honest than anything I'd done in days. I hoped my brother would understand. I hoped he could hear the regret in my voice. "It's too late to stop it."

"No. We can." My brother stared intently into my eyes, and I returned his gaze. "Together."

For a brief, shining moment, I was going to go with him. We would fix the city and stop the invasion, together. Be the heroes the Midguardian people so desperately craved, together. We could return home, victorious, together.

But then the pounding in my head got worse. My brother's look became a threat. It felt like I was burning up along with the city, and before I knew what was happening, I stabbed my knife straight into his chest.

He fell back, clutching at the wound, and suddenly I was back on Asgard, decades and centuries ago. My brother was young, traipsing through the forest without a care in the world, laughing as he ran with a wooden toy sword. I laid in the grass, waiting for him.

Thor knew I could shapeshift. He'd known for ages. I'd even done this to him before. Still, when my brother came across a snake in the grass, he couldn't help but stoop down to investigate. He picked me up, and before he knew what was happening, I transformed back into myself and jabbed a little knife of my own into his side.

"Blargh! It's me!" I yelled, laughing as he stumbled back in the grass. Thor was getting stronger and faster every day, and trickery and smarts were the only way I could get him anymore.

"Father!" Thor yelled, running back off to the palace. I didn't waste a second before turning into a bird and flying to my mother's room as quickly as I could. She wouldn't be happy with me, but she would protect me from the worst of my father's rage.

My vision faded, and I was looking at my brother on the ground again.

"Sentiment," I managed to whisper. It was the only thing I could think to say.

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