Bake Sale pt. 2 (Tom!Peter Parker)

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Summary: Y/N is working the bake sale when Peter shows up. She finally gets the chance to ask him the question that's been on her mind since she saw Spider-Man shoot out of that alley, and it turns out Peter has a question of his own for Y/N.


"Ooo, I'll take one of the cupcakes please!"

"Good choice! They're one of our best sellers, and they come from an amazing family recipe." I smiled at the woman ordering and turned to Amie to get one of the cupcakes Peter helped me make with Aunt May's recipe. The bake sale was in full swing, and so far, we were on track to make double what we did last year.

"Y/N, can you switch me? I think if I have to spend another minute with all this delicious food I'll just eat it all myself," whined Amie.

"Sure thing," I laughed. I went to get the cupcake, then handed it to her to take up to the front table. "Here, go take this to the lady at the register and finish up the transaction. I'll stay here and run deserts to people."

"Thank you!" Amie smiled, then skipped off to the register. We had four lines of people selling, a bunch of people walking around trying to get people to come to our booth, and me and one other guy getting the baked goods and delivering them to where they were supposed to go.

I looked around, and we actually had a good crowd. Every register was busy with a few people in line. Almost half of everything we made was already gone. People were spreading the word, and business was picking up quickly.

"Hey, Y/N, can you do a quick inventory?" asked Nick, one of my debate teammates. "We lost track after the last big rush we got and Mr. Cicco wants to know how much of everything we have left."

"Yeah, I can take care of that. You're on your own for running orders though, and don't take things from the 'already counted' pile."

"Will do." He saluted, then took a tray of cupcakes back to the registers while I got to work. Everyone on the team had baked their asses off, so even with half our inventory gone there was a mountain of things left to sell.

"Alright, cookies are done. Don't lose track again, I'm going to brownies next!" I yelled after a while, pointing at Nick and then the rest of the people around me. I shifted to start my count over when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Amie looking confused.

"Ummm Y/N? Peter Parker from Midtown's decathlon team is at the register asking for you..."

My heart leapt as I turned to the register. There he was, smiling nervously and giving me a big wave. I smiled back, then turned to Amie again.

"Can you cover for me for a second? I'm going to go say hi."

Amie raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. She just nodded and turned to the brownies.

"Thank you!" I turned back to the registers and walked over to Peter, who gave me another mile-wide grin as soon as I got closer.

"Hi Y/N!" he said brightly.

"Hey Peter! I was actually hoping you'd come by today!"

"I'm undercover," he joked, leaning forward and lowering his voice. "I can't let any of my teammates know that I came to an enemy fundraiser.

I laughed. "Don't worry, you're secret's safe with me. You might have to do some damage control with Amie though."

We both looked over at my friend, who was whispering conspiratorially with Nick by the brownies. She looked at us, then blushed and quickly looked away when she realized we noticed.

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